Android Question BLE Android 8.1 and higher

Philip Prins

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From Android 8.1 you can not do a Bluetooth scan without a filter when the screen is off.
In BLE manager you can only filter on UUID however this doesn't work on iBeacons.
Is there a way to filter on name or manufacturer ?


Philip Prins

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You can only filter by services UUIDs.

Have you tried it when there is a foreground service?
Yes ,
You can not scan without a filter from 8.1 and higher:

However you can not scan ibeacons based on their UUID , you have to scan on name or manufacturar ID.
But with BLEmanager2 you can only set an UUID as filter.
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Philip Prins

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Thanks Erel,

Got this working but now i want to add a second filter :
Private Sub ScanWithLeScanner
    Dim ScanSettingsStatic As JavaObject
    Dim ScanSettingsBuilder As JavaObject
    ScanSettingsBuilder.InitializeNewInstance("android.bluetooth.le.ScanSettings.Builder", Null)
    ScanSettingsBuilder.RunMethod("setScanMode", Array(ScanSettingsStatic.GetField("SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY")))
    Dim ScanFilterStatic As JavaObject
    Dim ScanFilterBuilder As JavaObject
    ScanFilterBuilder.InitializeNewInstance("android.bluetooth.le.ScanFilter.Builder", Null)
    'ScanFilterBuilder.RunMethod("setDeviceName", Array("CCheck"))
    '    Add Scan Filter
    Dim ParcelUuidStatic As JavaObject
    Dim ParcelUuid As JavaObject
    ParcelUuid = ParcelUuidStatic.RunMethod("fromString",Array("00000001-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"))
    'Log("LOOK HERE => " & ParcelUuid.RunMethod("toString",Null))
    ScanFilterBuilder.RunMethod("setServiceUuid", Array(ParcelUuid))
'    ScanFilterBuilder.RunMethod("setDeviceName", Array("CCheck"))
    Dim Filters As List = Array(ScanFilterBuilder.RunMethod("build", Null))
    Scanner.RunMethod("startScan", Array(Filters, ScanSettingsBuilder.RunMethod("build", Null), ScanCallback))
End Sub

I want to add :ScanFilterBuilder.RunMethod("setDeviceName", Array("CCheck")) but when i insert this it will not work.
How can i add an extra filter item?
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Philip Prins

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In which way doesn't it work? Where is the error message?

With one scanfilter the scan filter works and finds the devices.

When i add the second it does not find any devices.
No error messages.

I assume i can only make scanlist for one type , so for example only UUID.
Not mixing between UUID and name in the same scanfilter.

Solved it by making 2 services, one for UUID and one for Name.
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Philip Prins

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One problem left , how to get the advertising data:

Private Sub Scan_Result (Result As Object)
    Dim ScanResult As JavaObject = Result
    Dim device As JavaObject = ScanResult.RunMethod("getDevice", Null)
    Dim address As String = device.RunMethod("getAddress", Null)
    ManagerJO.GetFieldJO("devices").RunMethod("put", Array(address, device))
    Dim name As String
    Dim o As Object = device.RunMethod("getName", Null)
    If o = Null Then name = "" Else name = o
    Dim ScanRecord As JavaObject = ScanResult.RunMethod("getScanRecord", Null)
    'Log(ScanRecord) 'you can extend the code to access the data.
    Dim rssi As Double = ScanResult.RunMethod("getRssi", Null)
    [B]Manager_DeviceFound(name, address, CreateMap(), rssi)[/B]
End Sub

ManagerDevice found expect a map:

In the log the scanrecord : (ScanRecord) ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=6, mServiceUuids=null, mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[2, 21, -3, -91, 6, -109, -92, -30, 79, -79, -81, -49, -58, -21, 7, 100, 120, 37, 18, 94, 86, 120, -61]}, mServiceData={00007364-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb=[1, -86, -69, -52, -35, -18, -1, 0, 17, 34, 51, 68, 85]}, mTxPowerLevel=4, mDeviceName=CCheck]

When i get the manufacturer specific date like this :
Dim B As Object =  ScanRecord.RunMethod("getManufacturerSpecificData", Null)


How do i convert the result in a similar map like the advertising data from BLEmanager2 so i can parse it by the BeaconParser?
(MyMap) {1=[B@da87e20, -1=[B@3eba3d9, 10=[B@a17119e, 22=[B@164d47f, 9=[B@9e75c4c, 0=[B@469a495}
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Philip Prins

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For other people that want to scan for iBeacons in the background with Android 8.1 and up:

First create a scanfilter :
Private Sub ScanWithLeScanner
    Dim ScanSettingsStatic As JavaObject
    Dim ScanSettingsBuilder As JavaObject
    ScanSettingsBuilder.InitializeNewInstance("android.bluetooth.le.ScanSettings.Builder", Null)
    ScanSettingsBuilder.RunMethod("setScanMode", Array(ScanSettingsStatic.GetField("MATCH_NUM_ONE_ADVERTISEMENT")))
    Dim ScanFilterStatic As JavaObject
    Dim ScanFilterBuilder As JavaObject
    ScanFilterBuilder.InitializeNewInstance("android.bluetooth.le.ScanFilter.Builder", Null)
    ScanFilterBuilder.RunMethod("setManufacturerData", Array(76,Null)) 'Apple ID
    Dim Filters As List = Array(ScanFilterBuilder.RunMethod("build", Null))
    Scanner.RunMethod("startScan", Array(Filters, ScanSettingsBuilder.RunMethod("build", Null), ScanCallback))
    Scanactive = True
End Sub

Then handle the result:
Scan result:
Private Sub Scan_Result (Result As Object)
    Dim ScanResult As JavaObject = Result
    Dim device As JavaObject = ScanResult.RunMethod("getDevice", Null)
    Dim address As String = device.RunMethod("getAddress", Null)
    ManagerJO.GetFieldJO("devices").RunMethod("put", Array(address, device))
    Dim name As String
    Dim o As Object = device.RunMethod("getName", Null)
    If o = Null Then name = "" Else name = o
    Dim ScanRecord As JavaObject = ScanResult.RunMethod("getScanRecord", Null)
    Log(ScanRecord) 'you can extend the code to access the data.
    Dim data() As Byte = ScanRecord.RunMethod("getManufacturerSpecificData", Array(76)) '76 = apple id
    If data <> Null Then
        Private bc As ByteConverter
        Dim tx As Byte
        Dim raf As RandomAccessFile
        Dim ib As iBeacon
        raf.Initialize3(data, False)
        Dim hex As String = bc.HexFromBytes(data)
        ib.uuid = hex.SubString2(4, 36) 'bytes 4 - 19
'        beacon1.uniqueid = hex.SubString2(4, 46) 'this also includes the major and minor parts
        ib.major = raf.ReadShort(18)
        ib.minor = raf.ReadShort(20)
        tx = raf.ReadSignedByte(22)
    End If
    Dim rssi As Double = ScanResult.RunMethod("getRssi", Null)
    Manager_DeviceFound(name, address, ib, rssi)
End Sub
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