On a BLE tablet, In a continuous scan for nearby BLE devices the (service) code below returns several surrounding ble devices but not my phone (sony z5 compact). In the tablets bluetooth settings the tablet discovers my phone.
Any ideas.
Thanks in advance.
Sub Manager_DeviceFound (Name As String, Id As String, AdvertisingData As Map, RSSI As Double)
Log("Found: " & Name & ", " & Id & ", RSSI = " & RSSI & ", " & AdvertisingData) 'ignore
End If
End Sub
Public Sub StartScan
If manager.State <> manager.STATE_POWERED_ON Then
Log("Not powered on.")
Log("No location permission.")
manager.Scan2(Null, True)
End If
End Sub
BLE devices are typically devices that run on a battery for many days, so they don't do a lot of intense computational or wireless communications (like phones/Bluetooth headsets do) because that would eat up the battery life too quickly.
For example, the electronic tags that you can put on your keys that you can use to find your lost keys based on the location your phone last communicated with the tag.