Hi everyone, I already used BLE in the past for other project without any problems, now i'm using it again after some time and nothing works .
When i try to connect to a ble device it goes in timeout triggerint the Disconnected event because it couldnt connect.
My ble device is a ESP32, intially i thought was a problem with it, but then i tried using nRF Connect app, as suggested in this post, and the device works as expected...
So I started thinking that there was a problem in my B4A code, so I tried the example provided by @Erel in this tutoral without changing anything, apart for the MAC address in the "DeviceFound" event.
i tried reading the unfiltered logs, and this is what i found (i tried to spot the right block of logs):
Someone knows what it can be?? it is very strange.. and I didn't find any useful hint...
When i try to connect to a ble device it goes in timeout triggerint the Disconnected event because it couldnt connect.
My ble device is a ESP32, intially i thought was a problem with it, but then i tried using nRF Connect app, as suggested in this post, and the device works as expected...
So I started thinking that there was a problem in my B4A code, so I tried the example provided by @Erel in this tutoral without changing anything, apart for the MAC address in the "DeviceFound" event.
i tried reading the unfiltered logs, and this is what i found (i tried to spot the right block of logs):
Found: Revalue ECU, C0:49:EF 2:29:1A, RSSI = -38, (MyMap) {-1=[B@9482f3, 9=[B@a13fbb0, 10=[B@b51fa29, 18=[B@d631ae, 0=[B@8ea5b4f}
isLeEnabled(): ON
report state:8 event type:2 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
inactive bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_SCAN
stop bt uid:10174 state:BLE_SCAN total(ms):857
connect() - device: C0:49:EF 2:29:1A, auto: false
registerApp() - UUID=471683e5-2890-4e99-a2bc-c56339cae855
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
report state:8 event type:1 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
new active bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_CONNECT
Sending non-protected broadcast android.bluetooth.GET_BLE_APP_NAME from system 1512:com.android.bluetooth/1002 pkg com.android.bluetooth
BigDataReceiver:intent or context is null.
reportBLEAppInfo enter for ble app:b4a.example
handleBtParam id = 4
unhandled id 4
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(963)] GATT_Register 0ecac592-a063-5dd5-ee4e-16a5411f99ab
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(983)] allocated gatt_if=8
onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=8
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
Bluetooth BLE state is :1
increaseBleConnectingCount enter
increaseBleConnectingCount send session timer
checkIfRcdExist enter.
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
Found: [TV] Samsung Q70 Series (65), 24:FC:E5:60:B4:7F, RSSI = -89, (MyMap) {-1=[B@1b522dc, 0=[B@ce70fe5}
handleBtParam id = 1
parseBtDeviceInfoParam enter
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
deviceType unknown.
get_remote_device_property remote_addr=c0:49:ef:**:**:** type: 12
remote_device_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect
btif_get_address_type: Device [c0:49:ef:**:**:**] address type 0
btif_get_device_type: Device [c0:49:ef:**:**:**] type 3
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(1124)] GATT_Connectgatt_if=8 c0:49:ef:**:**:**
updateChrStatRcd update succ, rowChg=1
hw_bt_send_chr():fd_chr=210, size=12
hw_bt_send_chr():send ok
bta_dm_bl_change_cback: p_data->update.busy_level: 10, p_data->update.busy_level_flags:20
Found: , 71:9E:A9:B8:69:5D, RSSI = -56, (MyMap) {1=[B@557baba, 10=[B@71b5d6b, -1=[B@8df90c8, 0=[B@7fdc561}
getUserCountryCode return default value.
updateBtDeviceInfo enter
parseBtDeviceInfoParam end
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
######## updateBtDevInfoProcess new dev:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDeviceRecordByMac enter for MAC:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDeviceRecordByMac CurrentDeviceInfoRecord is the target device.
Found: , 51:25:FA:92:E7:73, RSSI = -42, (MyMap) {1=[B@336c886, 10=[B@d106547, -1=[B@ac0f174, 0=[B@170569d}
new dev info content is the same.
Same content record for:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx is exist.
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
dev:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx, new record's counter is 0.
Found: , 65:A7:9A:F8 B:32, RSSI = -60, (MyMap) {1=[B@1a6e712, -1=[B@8640ee3, 0=[B@5b5b0e0}
handleBtParam id = 0
handleBtExceptionParam enter
handleBtExceptionParam errorCode = 5; subErrorCode = 50
parseStackParam enter
AupdateBtConChanged enter. type = 1; state = 0
checkIfRcdExist enter.
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
updateChrStatRcd update succ, rowChg=1
isSupportA2dpHfp end: isSupport = false
other state do nothing
50: cpu_ctrl set freq: 2074000 -1 1314000 -1
50: set gpu level: 1
50: set gpu level max: 0
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 -1 -1
49: set gpu level: 2
49: set gpu level max: 0
asyncReportData b4a.example,2,1,3,0 interval=603
scnEnable hdl:49, timeout:250
perfUserScnEnable - handle:49
49: set gpu level: 1
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: 2074000 -1 1314000 -1
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0000]
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 -1 -1
49: set gpu level: 2
49: set gpu level max: 0
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
notifyType CALLBACK_CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10143, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10083, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10084, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback : onCapabilitiesChanged
network:103, lastValidated:true, validated:true
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10084, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
onCapabilitiesChanged network 103 networkCapabilities [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -75 SSID: ****]
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10083, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10091, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10029, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
[14348] gib.handleMessage: RcsEngineImpl[DUAL_REG]:[67f325c2-0cef]>Handler: handleMessage processing message:[NOTIFY_UPTIME_IGNORE_STATE_CHANGED] with [non-null]:RcsEngineImpl reference
[14349] fny.c: Connected state: [1], networkType: [WIFI]
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
signal level changed: 2 --> 3, 802.11v = false
queryRtt: rtt_type = 3
[14348] gel.f: RCS Configuration storage in Bugle is disabled by p/h flag, using ProvisioningEngineStateCacheUtil.getProvisioningConfigurationForGivenSimIfExist()
postEventFromNative: msg=100,arg1=4,arg2=10
resetRtt: rtt_type = 3
para is illegal, return
high data flow: protection_counter = 0, not_detect_counter = 8
high data flow scenario: 0 --> 0 rx bytes =19KB
queryRtt: rtt_type = 3
TcpStatisticsRun run
postEventFromNative: msg=100,arg1=4,arg2=10
resetRtt: rtt_type = 3
updateLinkSpeed linkSpeed =52 lastSpdLev=2 index=2
setApFreqParam, stat is null
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
start expired. level:-1
getWifiLinkLayerStats(l.939) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
Score = 58, wifiConnectivityManagerEnabled = true, lowScoreCount = 0
expired arrive. level:-1
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
handleInit disable com.google.android.ims
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 110.031ms
onMobileSignalStrengthChanged, subId: 0, signalStrength: SignalStrength: -1 99 -1 -255 -1 255 255 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 0 2147483647 0 120 -79 -10 gsm|lte use_rsrp_and_rssnr_for_lte_level rscp [-128, -118, -108, -98] [-115, -105, -95, -85] 0 0 0 0 0 0
onSignal: mSubId=0,currDataSubID=0
handleStateChanged reason=8
SignalStrength update result, ss: SignalStrengthInfo: 108885893 mGsmSignalStrength: -1 mWcdmaRscp: -79 mWcdmaEcio: -10 mLteRsrp: 2147483647 mLteRsrq: 2147483647 mCdmaDbm: -1 mCdmaEcio: -255 mEvdoDbm: -1 mEvdoEcio: 255 mLteRssnr: 2147483647
received cell-signal:5
handleStateChanged reason=8
handleRssiChanged. rssi changed in aging time.
handleStateChanged reason=8
No need to handled!
start expired. level:-1
AwareMem_Kill: updateGroupList package: not kill critical frequent=com.google.android.ims, uid=10109
AwareMem_Kill: updateGroupList package: not kill critical frequent=com.android.providers.media, uid=10015
AwareMem_Kill: execKillGroup: null procGroups
newLux = 238, [230, 229] -> 238
getWifiLinkLayerStats(l.939) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
Score = 58, wifiConnectivityManagerEnabled = true, lowScoreCount = 0
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
connecting socket: ZRHungServer
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
Transmission is done.
Transmission is done.
local_socket_flush_incoming write_data=1588
type=1400 audit(0.0:91509): avc: granted { getattr } for name="/" dev="sdcardfs" ino=110 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u bject_r:sdcardfs:s0 tclass=filesystem
start expired. level:-1
child Thread receive to stop
all data read ok
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0000]
BugleStartup: Registering SIM change receiver...
BugleStartup: Updating app config...
BugleStartup: Done with SIM change receiver & app config.
BugleStartup: Handling shared prefs upgrade & Load MMS Configuration...
BugleStartup: Initializing RCS availability...
RcsAvailabilityUtilForProvisioningEngineV2: updateAvailabilityAsync, hint: NO_HINT
[14387] bkkr.c: do not delay first event
RcsAvailabilityUpdaterLocal: updateAvailabilityAsync: scheduling updateRcsAvailability call, hint: NO_HINT, enableWelcomePopupWithoutGoogleTos: false, reshowSuccessPopup: false
BugleStartup: Done with RCS availability.
BugleStartup: Done initializing with enabled individual init failures.
[14355] bjkd.d: [SR]: Single Registration is disabled. Skipping Single Registration capability check for subId: -1, OS.isAtLeastS:[false], enableSingleRegistrationProvisioning:[false]
RcsAvailabilityUpdaterLocal: RcsAvailability configuration availability and enabled status: simId: redacted-pii:sim_id[chars:0,last3:], SipConnectionType: DUAL_REG, isConfigurationAvailableAndEnabled: false
[14338] gsz.d: Received Provisioning Event: [Bugle information (100)]
[14338] gsz.d: JibeService is running, passing event to provisioning engine.
[14339] bkkr.c: SIM delay is not enabled
[14339] bkkn.a: (Sim): process intent: android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Default SIM info not updated.
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Processing an intent
[14387] bkkn.Q: (Sim): SIM state ABSENT
[14387] bkkn.I: (Sim): Broadcasting Intent { act=com.google.android.ims.SIM_ABSENT }
SimChangeReceiver: action: com.google.android.ims.SIM_ABSENT
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
RcsAvailabilityUpdaterLocal: updateRcsAvailability, currentAvailability: 9, newAvailability: 9, hint: NO_HINT
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Default SIM info not updated.
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Processing an intent
[14387] bkkn.z: (Sim): Ignoring duplicate SIM state: ABSENT
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
Icing index repair service is not scheduled. [CONTEXT class_name="IcingMonitoringUtils" ]
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
Starts to observe table change.
dependence has been existed:14661 -> 10323
uid:10095 pid:14661 PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CELL_LOCATION:16 events:256
start expired. level:-1
Starting analysis.
Starting analysis.
getWifiLinkLayerStats(l.939) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
Score = 58, wifiConnectivityManagerEnabled = true, lowScoreCount = 0
onMobileSignalStrengthChanged, subId: 0, signalStrength: SignalStrength: -1 99 -1 -255 -1 255 255 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 0 2147483647 0 120 -79 -9 gsm|lte use_rsrp_and_rssnr_for_lte_level rscp [-128, -118, -108, -98] [-115, -105, -95, -85] 0 0 0 0 0 0
handleStateChanged reason=8
onSignal: mSubId=0,currDataSubID=0
handleStateChanged reason=8
SignalStrength update result, ss: SignalStrengthInfo: 108885893 mGsmSignalStrength: -1 mWcdmaRscp: -79 mWcdmaEcio: -9 mLteRsrp: 2147483647 mLteRsrq: 2147483647 mCdmaDbm: -1 mCdmaEcio: -255 mEvdoDbm: -1 mEvdoEcio: 255 mLteRssnr: 2147483647
received cell-signal:5
handleStateChanged reason=8
No need to handled!
Null config in BugleSharedPrefs
Failed to get msisdn from Bugle
Network is BLOCKED, uid = 10095
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
isBlockNetworkRequestByNonAis, INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
requestNetwork and the calling app is: com.google.android.apps.messaging
requestNetwork for uid/pid:10095/14661 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ]
rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -75 SSID: ****]
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2205. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 8. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 22. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2412. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2497. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2503. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 13. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2527. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2502. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2261. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2472. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 5. No change.
currentScore = 0, newScore = 58
rematch for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
accepting network in place of null
sending new Min Network Score(58): NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ]
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2191. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 37. No change.
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
[14329] gel.f: RCS Configuration storage in Bugle is disabled by p/h flag, using ProvisioningEngineStateCacheUtil.getProvisioningConfigurationForGivenSimIfExist()
Network is BLOCKED, uid = 10095
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
[14358] RcsProfileService.g: Result is null when getting value for id:4
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -2
uid=10095(com.google.android.apps.messaging) Blocking Thread identical 2 lines
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -2
SubscriptionUtilsAsOfLMR1: getSelfRawNumber: subInfo is null for subscription{id:-1}
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
No default number, returning empty msisdn
E2eeStartupTask: Skip prekey checking because MSISDN is empty.
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14661
Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
FirebaseRegistrationStartupTask: Enabling Firebase component
dependence has been existed:14661 -> 10323
getInstalledPackages cost 4 ms, flags: 786560, userId: 0, callingUid: 10106, callingPid: 10323
dependence has been existed:14661 -> 10323
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{10ff598 u0 com.google.android.gms/.phenotype.provider.ConfigurationProvider} launchingApp=null caller pid= 14661
RcsProvisioningTrigger: Schedule provisioning on app startup
[14358] bjkd.d: [SR]: Single Registration is disabled. Skipping Single Registration capability check for subId: -1, OS.isAtLeastS:[false], enableSingleRegistrationProvisioning:[false]
Wearable module requires a companion app to be installed.
onCreate: Wearable Services not starting. Wear is not available on this device.
RcsProvisioningTrigger: DR is active, initializing DR provisioning. DUAL_REG
[14362] bjkd.d: [SR]: Single Registration is disabled. Skipping Single Registration capability check for subId: -1, OS.isAtLeastS:[false], enableSingleRegistrationProvisioning:[false]
MddBackgroundStartupTask: Scheduled MDD periodic tasks.
Startup: registering tachyon.
onGetService: Wear is not available on this device.
Startup: skip phone registration because of no sim.
[14362] vxw.run: Skipping provisioning scheduling since RCS is disabled
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: Checking if Verified SMS tasks should be enqueued. feature supported: true, feature enabled: true, eligible / has registered key: false, C11N: true
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: Not enqueuing VSMS periodic task, VSMS is disabled or not supported.
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: Calling C11N to get phone numbers...
VerifiedSmsRegistrationHelper: The device doesn't have a new IMSI not registered with VSMS.
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: C11N registration didn't update with any new data.
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
hw_bt_send_chr():fd_chr=227, size=12
hw_bt_send_chr():send ok
bta_dm_bl_change_cback: p_data->update.busy_level: 0, p_data->update.busy_level_flags:21
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=3 connected=0 conn_id=0x0003 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=4 connected=0 conn_id=0x0004 reason=0x0004
handleBtParam id = 0
handleBtExceptionParam enter
handleBtExceptionParam errorCode = 5; subErrorCode = 5
parseStackParam enter
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDevInfoRecordPublic get record from catch for:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
music uploadTime=1678109320A2dpPlayTimes=0 MediaPlayer= A2dpIntermitCnt=0
BugleSystemBindingManager: onBuglePhenotypeFlagChanged
bta_dm_act no entry for connected service cbs
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=6 connected=0 conn_id=0x0006 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=7 connected=0 conn_id=0x0007 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=8 connected=0 conn_id=0x0008 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=9 connected=0 conn_id=0x0009 reason=0x0004
onServerConnectionState() - status=0 serverIf=5 device=C0:49:EF 2:29:1A
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(339)] bta_gattc_open_fail: Cannot establish Connection. conn_id=0. Return GATT_ERROR(133)
BleGattServer nConnectionStateChange device=D2291A status=0 newState=0
a2dpDevicesConnecting size = 0
getA2dpCntedCntingSize mDeviceMacs size = 0
onClientConnectionState() - status=133 clientIf=8 device=C0:49:EF 2:29:1A
BleGattServer:handleMessage what=2,MSG_BLE_GATT_ON_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE arg1=0 arg2=0 device=D2291A
unregisterApp() - mClientIf=8
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
headsetDevicesConnecting size = 0
getHfpCntedCntingSize mDeviceMacs size = 0
mA2dpDeviceMacs.seze = 0; mHfpDeviceMacs.size = 0
report state:8 event type:2 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
inactive bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_CONNECT
get_remote_device_property remote_addr=c0:49:ef:**:**:** type: 12
remote_device_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect
a2dpDevicesConnecting size = 0
getA2dpCntedCntingSize mDeviceMacs size = 0
getA2dpConnectedDevices mDeviceMacs.size = 0
increaseBtStackAclConnFailCount enter
upload stack exception!
Null config in BugleSharedPrefs
Failed to get msisdn from Bugle
Bluetooth BLE state is :2
increaseBleSuccConnectedCount enter
create: 913009001
checkIfRcdExist enter.
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
newLux = 238, [228, 227] -> 238
start expired. level:-1
AwareMem_Kill: updateGroupList package: not kill critical frequent=com.google.android.ims, uid=10109
AwareMem_Kill: updateGroupList package: not kill critical frequent=com.android.providers.media, uid=10015
AwareMem_Kill: execKillGroup: null procGroups
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0117]
cannot get config for APPEYE_MT.
asyncReportData b4a.example,2,1,1,0 interval=71
scnEnable hdl:49, timeout:250
perfUserScnEnable - handle:49
49: set gpu level: 1
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: 2074000 -1 1314000 -1
playSoundEffect effectType: 0
jank_removeInvalidNode all the node in jank list is out of time
startLeScan(): null
isLeEnabled(): ON
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(963)] GATT_Register 2b66c674-9a38-fb01-9a93-85741d5028ae
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(983)] allocated gatt_if=8
onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=8 mScannerId=0
handleBtParam id = 11
handleBtStatePassive , apkName = b4a.example, apkAction = 4
report state:8 event type:1 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
new active bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_SCAN
setFlags what=0 which=1 pkg=Window{fa95dad u0 b4a.example/b4a.example.main}
asyncReportData b4a.example,2,2,1,3 interval=237
scnEnable hdl:50, timeout:250
perfUserScnEnable - handle:50
50: cpu_ctrl set freq: 2139000 -1 1402000 -1
checkIfBTStatPassiveRcdExist read from:BtChrStatisticPassiveTable, get record: 0
insertBTStatPassivetRcd add a record succ.
ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument
btPassive save result is true
[recvMdThermalInfo] ret=33, strLen=127, 2, 32767, -127, 0, 32767, -28374
49: set gpu level: 1
49: set gpu level max: 0
asyncReportData b4a.example,2,1,2,0 interval=335
Skip class update for C0:49:EF:**:**:**
scnEnable hdl:49, timeout:250
perfUserScnEnable - handle:49
Found: Revalue ECU, C0:49:EF 2:29:1A, RSSI = -38, (MyMap) {-1=[B@9482f3, 9=[B@a13fbb0, 10=[B@b51fa29, 18=[B@d631ae, 0=[B@8ea5b4f}
isLeEnabled(): ON
report state:8 event type:2 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
inactive bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_SCAN
stop bt uid:10174 state:BLE_SCAN total(ms):857
connect() - device: C0:49:EF 2:29:1A, auto: false
registerApp() - UUID=471683e5-2890-4e99-a2bc-c56339cae855
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
report state:8 event type:1 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
new active bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_CONNECT
Sending non-protected broadcast android.bluetooth.GET_BLE_APP_NAME from system 1512:com.android.bluetooth/1002 pkg com.android.bluetooth
BigDataReceiver:intent or context is null.
reportBLEAppInfo enter for ble app:b4a.example
handleBtParam id = 4
unhandled id 4
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(963)] GATT_Register 0ecac592-a063-5dd5-ee4e-16a5411f99ab
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(983)] allocated gatt_if=8
onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=8
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
Bluetooth BLE state is :1
increaseBleConnectingCount enter
increaseBleConnectingCount send session timer
checkIfRcdExist enter.
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
Found: [TV] Samsung Q70 Series (65), 24:FC:E5:60:B4:7F, RSSI = -89, (MyMap) {-1=[B@1b522dc, 0=[B@ce70fe5}
handleBtParam id = 1
parseBtDeviceInfoParam enter
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
deviceType unknown.
get_remote_device_property remote_addr=c0:49:ef:**:**:** type: 12
remote_device_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect
btif_get_address_type: Device [c0:49:ef:**:**:**] address type 0
btif_get_device_type: Device [c0:49:ef:**:**:**] type 3
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(1124)] GATT_Connectgatt_if=8 c0:49:ef:**:**:**
updateChrStatRcd update succ, rowChg=1
hw_bt_send_chr():fd_chr=210, size=12
hw_bt_send_chr():send ok
bta_dm_bl_change_cback: p_data->update.busy_level: 10, p_data->update.busy_level_flags:20
Found: , 71:9E:A9:B8:69:5D, RSSI = -56, (MyMap) {1=[B@557baba, 10=[B@71b5d6b, -1=[B@8df90c8, 0=[B@7fdc561}
getUserCountryCode return default value.
updateBtDeviceInfo enter
parseBtDeviceInfoParam end
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
######## updateBtDevInfoProcess new dev:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDeviceRecordByMac enter for MAC:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDeviceRecordByMac CurrentDeviceInfoRecord is the target device.
Found: , 51:25:FA:92:E7:73, RSSI = -42, (MyMap) {1=[B@336c886, 10=[B@d106547, -1=[B@ac0f174, 0=[B@170569d}
new dev info content is the same.
Same content record for:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx is exist.
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
dev:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx, new record's counter is 0.
Found: , 65:A7:9A:F8 B:32, RSSI = -60, (MyMap) {1=[B@1a6e712, -1=[B@8640ee3, 0=[B@5b5b0e0}
handleBtParam id = 0
handleBtExceptionParam enter
handleBtExceptionParam errorCode = 5; subErrorCode = 50
parseStackParam enter
AupdateBtConChanged enter. type = 1; state = 0
checkIfRcdExist enter.
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
updateChrStatRcd update succ, rowChg=1
isSupportA2dpHfp end: isSupport = false
other state do nothing
50: cpu_ctrl set freq: 2074000 -1 1314000 -1
50: set gpu level: 1
50: set gpu level max: 0
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 -1 -1
49: set gpu level: 2
49: set gpu level max: 0
asyncReportData b4a.example,2,1,3,0 interval=603
scnEnable hdl:49, timeout:250
perfUserScnEnable - handle:49
49: set gpu level: 1
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: 2074000 -1 1314000 -1
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0000]
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 -1 -1
49: set gpu level: 2
49: set gpu level max: 0
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
notifyType CALLBACK_CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10143, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10083, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10084, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback : onCapabilitiesChanged
network:103, lastValidated:true, validated:true
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10084, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
onCapabilitiesChanged network 103 networkCapabilities [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -75 SSID: ****]
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10083, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10091, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10029, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
[14348] gib.handleMessage: RcsEngineImpl[DUAL_REG]:[67f325c2-0cef]>Handler: handleMessage processing message:[NOTIFY_UPTIME_IGNORE_STATE_CHANGED] with [non-null]:RcsEngineImpl reference
[14349] fny.c: Connected state: [1], networkType: [WIFI]
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
signal level changed: 2 --> 3, 802.11v = false
queryRtt: rtt_type = 3
[14348] gel.f: RCS Configuration storage in Bugle is disabled by p/h flag, using ProvisioningEngineStateCacheUtil.getProvisioningConfigurationForGivenSimIfExist()
postEventFromNative: msg=100,arg1=4,arg2=10
resetRtt: rtt_type = 3
para is illegal, return
high data flow: protection_counter = 0, not_detect_counter = 8
high data flow scenario: 0 --> 0 rx bytes =19KB
queryRtt: rtt_type = 3
TcpStatisticsRun run
postEventFromNative: msg=100,arg1=4,arg2=10
resetRtt: rtt_type = 3
updateLinkSpeed linkSpeed =52 lastSpdLev=2 index=2
setApFreqParam, stat is null
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
start expired. level:-1
getWifiLinkLayerStats(l.939) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
Score = 58, wifiConnectivityManagerEnabled = true, lowScoreCount = 0
expired arrive. level:-1
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
handleInit disable com.google.android.ims
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 110.031ms
onMobileSignalStrengthChanged, subId: 0, signalStrength: SignalStrength: -1 99 -1 -255 -1 255 255 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 0 2147483647 0 120 -79 -10 gsm|lte use_rsrp_and_rssnr_for_lte_level rscp [-128, -118, -108, -98] [-115, -105, -95, -85] 0 0 0 0 0 0
onSignal: mSubId=0,currDataSubID=0
handleStateChanged reason=8
SignalStrength update result, ss: SignalStrengthInfo: 108885893 mGsmSignalStrength: -1 mWcdmaRscp: -79 mWcdmaEcio: -10 mLteRsrp: 2147483647 mLteRsrq: 2147483647 mCdmaDbm: -1 mCdmaEcio: -255 mEvdoDbm: -1 mEvdoEcio: 255 mLteRssnr: 2147483647
received cell-signal:5
handleStateChanged reason=8
handleRssiChanged. rssi changed in aging time.
handleStateChanged reason=8
No need to handled!
start expired. level:-1
AwareMem_Kill: updateGroupList package: not kill critical frequent=com.google.android.ims, uid=10109
AwareMem_Kill: updateGroupList package: not kill critical frequent=com.android.providers.media, uid=10015
AwareMem_Kill: execKillGroup: null procGroups
newLux = 238, [230, 229] -> 238
getWifiLinkLayerStats(l.939) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
Score = 58, wifiConnectivityManagerEnabled = true, lowScoreCount = 0
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
connecting socket: ZRHungServer
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
Transmission is done.
Transmission is done.
local_socket_flush_incoming write_data=1588
type=1400 audit(0.0:91509): avc: granted { getattr } for name="/" dev="sdcardfs" ino=110 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u bject_r:sdcardfs:s0 tclass=filesystem
start expired. level:-1
child Thread receive to stop
all data read ok
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0000]
BugleStartup: Registering SIM change receiver...
BugleStartup: Updating app config...
BugleStartup: Done with SIM change receiver & app config.
BugleStartup: Handling shared prefs upgrade & Load MMS Configuration...
BugleStartup: Initializing RCS availability...
RcsAvailabilityUtilForProvisioningEngineV2: updateAvailabilityAsync, hint: NO_HINT
[14387] bkkr.c: do not delay first event
RcsAvailabilityUpdaterLocal: updateAvailabilityAsync: scheduling updateRcsAvailability call, hint: NO_HINT, enableWelcomePopupWithoutGoogleTos: false, reshowSuccessPopup: false
BugleStartup: Done with RCS availability.
BugleStartup: Done initializing with enabled individual init failures.
[14355] bjkd.d: [SR]: Single Registration is disabled. Skipping Single Registration capability check for subId: -1, OS.isAtLeastS:[false], enableSingleRegistrationProvisioning:[false]
RcsAvailabilityUpdaterLocal: RcsAvailability configuration availability and enabled status: simId: redacted-pii:sim_id[chars:0,last3:], SipConnectionType: DUAL_REG, isConfigurationAvailableAndEnabled: false
[14338] gsz.d: Received Provisioning Event: [Bugle information (100)]
[14338] gsz.d: JibeService is running, passing event to provisioning engine.
[14339] bkkr.c: SIM delay is not enabled
[14339] bkkn.a: (Sim): process intent: android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Default SIM info not updated.
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Processing an intent
[14387] bkkn.Q: (Sim): SIM state ABSENT
[14387] bkkn.I: (Sim): Broadcasting Intent { act=com.google.android.ims.SIM_ABSENT }
SimChangeReceiver: action: com.google.android.ims.SIM_ABSENT
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
RcsAvailabilityUpdaterLocal: updateRcsAvailability, currentAvailability: 9, newAvailability: 9, hint: NO_HINT
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Default SIM info not updated.
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Processing an intent
[14387] bkkn.z: (Sim): Ignoring duplicate SIM state: ABSENT
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
Icing index repair service is not scheduled. [CONTEXT class_name="IcingMonitoringUtils" ]
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
Starts to observe table change.
dependence has been existed:14661 -> 10323
uid:10095 pid:14661 PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CELL_LOCATION:16 events:256
start expired. level:-1
Starting analysis.
Starting analysis.
getWifiLinkLayerStats(l.939) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
Score = 58, wifiConnectivityManagerEnabled = true, lowScoreCount = 0
onMobileSignalStrengthChanged, subId: 0, signalStrength: SignalStrength: -1 99 -1 -255 -1 255 255 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 0 2147483647 0 120 -79 -9 gsm|lte use_rsrp_and_rssnr_for_lte_level rscp [-128, -118, -108, -98] [-115, -105, -95, -85] 0 0 0 0 0 0
handleStateChanged reason=8
onSignal: mSubId=0,currDataSubID=0
handleStateChanged reason=8
SignalStrength update result, ss: SignalStrengthInfo: 108885893 mGsmSignalStrength: -1 mWcdmaRscp: -79 mWcdmaEcio: -9 mLteRsrp: 2147483647 mLteRsrq: 2147483647 mCdmaDbm: -1 mCdmaEcio: -255 mEvdoDbm: -1 mEvdoEcio: 255 mLteRssnr: 2147483647
received cell-signal:5
handleStateChanged reason=8
No need to handled!
Null config in BugleSharedPrefs
Failed to get msisdn from Bugle
Network is BLOCKED, uid = 10095
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
isBlockNetworkRequestByNonAis, INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
requestNetwork and the calling app is: com.google.android.apps.messaging
requestNetwork for uid/pid:10095/14661 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ]
rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -75 SSID: ****]
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2205. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 8. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 22. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2412. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2497. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2503. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 13. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2527. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2502. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2261. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2472. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 5. No change.
currentScore = 0, newScore = 58
rematch for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
accepting network in place of null
sending new Min Network Score(58): NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ]
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2191. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 37. No change.
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
[14329] gel.f: RCS Configuration storage in Bugle is disabled by p/h flag, using ProvisioningEngineStateCacheUtil.getProvisioningConfigurationForGivenSimIfExist()
Network is BLOCKED, uid = 10095
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
[14358] RcsProfileService.g: Result is null when getting value for id:4
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -2
uid=10095(com.google.android.apps.messaging) Blocking Thread identical 2 lines
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -2
SubscriptionUtilsAsOfLMR1: getSelfRawNumber: subInfo is null for subscription{id:-1}
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
No default number, returning empty msisdn
E2eeStartupTask: Skip prekey checking because MSISDN is empty.
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14661
Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
FirebaseRegistrationStartupTask: Enabling Firebase component
dependence has been existed:14661 -> 10323
getInstalledPackages cost 4 ms, flags: 786560, userId: 0, callingUid: 10106, callingPid: 10323
dependence has been existed:14661 -> 10323
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{10ff598 u0 com.google.android.gms/.phenotype.provider.ConfigurationProvider} launchingApp=null caller pid= 14661
RcsProvisioningTrigger: Schedule provisioning on app startup
[14358] bjkd.d: [SR]: Single Registration is disabled. Skipping Single Registration capability check for subId: -1, OS.isAtLeastS:[false], enableSingleRegistrationProvisioning:[false]
Wearable module requires a companion app to be installed.
onCreate: Wearable Services not starting. Wear is not available on this device.
RcsProvisioningTrigger: DR is active, initializing DR provisioning. DUAL_REG
[14362] bjkd.d: [SR]: Single Registration is disabled. Skipping Single Registration capability check for subId: -1, OS.isAtLeastS:[false], enableSingleRegistrationProvisioning:[false]
MddBackgroundStartupTask: Scheduled MDD periodic tasks.
Startup: registering tachyon.
onGetService: Wear is not available on this device.
Startup: skip phone registration because of no sim.
[14362] vxw.run: Skipping provisioning scheduling since RCS is disabled
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: Checking if Verified SMS tasks should be enqueued. feature supported: true, feature enabled: true, eligible / has registered key: false, C11N: true
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: Not enqueuing VSMS periodic task, VSMS is disabled or not supported.
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: Calling C11N to get phone numbers...
VerifiedSmsRegistrationHelper: The device doesn't have a new IMSI not registered with VSMS.
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: C11N registration didn't update with any new data.
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
hw_bt_send_chr():fd_chr=227, size=12
hw_bt_send_chr():send ok
bta_dm_bl_change_cback: p_data->update.busy_level: 0, p_data->update.busy_level_flags:21
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=3 connected=0 conn_id=0x0003 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=4 connected=0 conn_id=0x0004 reason=0x0004
handleBtParam id = 0
handleBtExceptionParam enter
handleBtExceptionParam errorCode = 5; subErrorCode = 5
parseStackParam enter
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDevInfoRecordPublic get record from catch for:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
music uploadTime=1678109320A2dpPlayTimes=0 MediaPlayer= A2dpIntermitCnt=0
BugleSystemBindingManager: onBuglePhenotypeFlagChanged
bta_dm_act no entry for connected service cbs
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=6 connected=0 conn_id=0x0006 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=7 connected=0 conn_id=0x0007 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=8 connected=0 conn_id=0x0008 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=9 connected=0 conn_id=0x0009 reason=0x0004
onServerConnectionState() - status=0 serverIf=5 device=C0:49:EF 2:29:1A
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(339)] bta_gattc_open_fail: Cannot establish Connection. conn_id=0. Return GATT_ERROR(133)
BleGattServer nConnectionStateChange device=D2291A status=0 newState=0
a2dpDevicesConnecting size = 0
getA2dpCntedCntingSize mDeviceMacs size = 0
onClientConnectionState() - status=133 clientIf=8 device=C0:49:EF 2:29:1A
BleGattServer:handleMessage what=2,MSG_BLE_GATT_ON_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE arg1=0 arg2=0 device=D2291A
unregisterApp() - mClientIf=8
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
headsetDevicesConnecting size = 0
getHfpCntedCntingSize mDeviceMacs size = 0
mA2dpDeviceMacs.seze = 0; mHfpDeviceMacs.size = 0
report state:8 event type:2 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
inactive bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_CONNECT
get_remote_device_property remote_addr=c0:49:ef:**:**:** type: 12
remote_device_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect
a2dpDevicesConnecting size = 0
getA2dpCntedCntingSize mDeviceMacs size = 0
getA2dpConnectedDevices mDeviceMacs.size = 0
increaseBtStackAclConnFailCount enter
upload stack exception!
Null config in BugleSharedPrefs
Failed to get msisdn from Bugle
Bluetooth BLE state is :2
increaseBleSuccConnectedCount enter
create: 913009001
checkIfRcdExist enter.
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDevInfoRecordPublic get record from catch for:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
create: 913009002
create: 913009003
create: 913009004
create: 913009005
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
create: 913009006
parseStackParam end
handleBtParam id = 1
parseBtDeviceInfoParam enter
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
isChatAvailable: RcsAvailability is DISABLED_SIM_ABSENT (RCS is disabled due to SIM absent)
deviceType unknown.
Wifi P2P info: mWifiP2pState=2, mWifiP2pConnected=false, mWifiP2pDiscovery=false
Wifi softAP info: mWifiSoftApState=11
Wifi sta info: mWifiStaState=3, mWifiStaFreq=2472, mWifiStaSSID="BaseAlfa", mWifiStaRssi=-75, mWifiStaConnected=true, mWifiStaScanning=false, mWifiStaAssocing=false, mWifiStaUpSpeed=0, mWifiStaDownSpeed=0
create: 913009007
create: 913009020
create: 913000004
getUserCountryCode return default value.
send: 913000004
updateBtDeviceInfo enter
parseBtDeviceInfoParam end
[14336] bhxg.run: SystemBindingManager: SystemBinding enabled: false
updateChrStatRcd update succ, rowChg=1
checkIfRcdExist enter.
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
[14336] bhxh.b: System Binding updated
updateChrStatRcd update succ, rowChg=1
BT_EXCEPTION_EVENT increase ExceptionEventCount to:2, max exception:30
checkIfRcdExist enter.
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
isLeEnabled(): ON
report state:8 event type:2 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
inactive bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_SCAN
stop bt uid:10174 state:BLE_SCAN total(ms):857
connect() - device: C0:49:EF
registerApp() - UUID=471683e5-2890-4e99-a2bc-c56339cae855
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
report state:8 event type:1 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
new active bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_CONNECT
Sending non-protected broadcast android.bluetooth.GET_BLE_APP_NAME from system 1512:com.android.bluetooth/1002 pkg com.android.bluetooth
BigDataReceiver:intent or context is null.
reportBLEAppInfo enter for ble app:b4a.example
handleBtParam id = 4
unhandled id 4
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(963)] GATT_Register 0ecac592-a063-5dd5-ee4e-16a5411f99ab
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(983)] allocated gatt_if=8
onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=8
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
Bluetooth BLE state is :1
increaseBleConnectingCount enter
increaseBleConnectingCount send session timer
checkIfRcdExist enter.
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
Found: [TV] Samsung Q70 Series (65), 24:FC:E5:60:B4:7F, RSSI = -89, (MyMap) {-1=[B@1b522dc, 0=[B@ce70fe5}
handleBtParam id = 1
parseBtDeviceInfoParam enter
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
deviceType unknown.
get_remote_device_property remote_addr=c0:49:ef:**:**:** type: 12
remote_device_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect
btif_get_address_type: Device [c0:49:ef:**:**:**] address type 0
btif_get_device_type: Device [c0:49:ef:**:**:**] type 3
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(1124)] GATT_Connectgatt_if=8 c0:49:ef:**:**:**
updateChrStatRcd update succ, rowChg=1
hw_bt_send_chr():fd_chr=210, size=12
hw_bt_send_chr():send ok
bta_dm_bl_change_cback: p_data->update.busy_level: 10, p_data->update.busy_level_flags:20
Found: , 71:9E:A9:B8:69:5D, RSSI = -56, (MyMap) {1=[B@557baba, 10=[B@71b5d6b, -1=[B@8df90c8, 0=[B@7fdc561}
getUserCountryCode return default value.
updateBtDeviceInfo enter
parseBtDeviceInfoParam end
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
######## updateBtDevInfoProcess new dev:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDeviceRecordByMac enter for MAC:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDeviceRecordByMac CurrentDeviceInfoRecord is the target device.
Found: , 51:25:FA:92:E7:73, RSSI = -42, (MyMap) {1=[B@336c886, 10=[B@d106547, -1=[B@ac0f174, 0=[B@170569d}
new dev info content is the same.
Same content record for:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx is exist.
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
dev:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx, new record's counter is 0.
Found: , 65:A7:9A:F8
handleBtParam id = 0
handleBtExceptionParam enter
handleBtExceptionParam errorCode = 5; subErrorCode = 50
parseStackParam enter
AupdateBtConChanged enter. type = 1; state = 0
checkIfRcdExist enter.
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
updateChrStatRcd update succ, rowChg=1
isSupportA2dpHfp end: isSupport = false
other state do nothing
50: cpu_ctrl set freq: 2074000 -1 1314000 -1
50: set gpu level: 1
50: set gpu level max: 0
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 -1 -1
49: set gpu level: 2
49: set gpu level max: 0
asyncReportData b4a.example,2,1,3,0 interval=603
scnEnable hdl:49, timeout:250
perfUserScnEnable - handle:49
49: set gpu level: 1
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: 2074000 -1 1314000 -1
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0000]
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 -1 -1
49: set gpu level: 2
49: set gpu level max: 0
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
notifyType CALLBACK_CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10143, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10083, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10084, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback : onCapabilitiesChanged
network:103, lastValidated:true, validated:true
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10084, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
onCapabilitiesChanged network 103 networkCapabilities [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -75 SSID: ****]
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10083, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10091, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10029, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
[14348] gib.handleMessage: RcsEngineImpl[DUAL_REG]:[67f325c2-0cef]>Handler: handleMessage processing message:[NOTIFY_UPTIME_IGNORE_STATE_CHANGED] with [non-null]:RcsEngineImpl reference
[14349] fny.c: Connected state: [1], networkType: [WIFI]
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
signal level changed: 2 --> 3, 802.11v = false
queryRtt: rtt_type = 3
[14348] gel.f: RCS Configuration storage in Bugle is disabled by p/h flag, using ProvisioningEngineStateCacheUtil.getProvisioningConfigurationForGivenSimIfExist()
postEventFromNative: msg=100,arg1=4,arg2=10
resetRtt: rtt_type = 3
para is illegal, return
high data flow: protection_counter = 0, not_detect_counter = 8
high data flow scenario: 0 --> 0 rx bytes =19KB
queryRtt: rtt_type = 3
TcpStatisticsRun run
postEventFromNative: msg=100,arg1=4,arg2=10
resetRtt: rtt_type = 3
updateLinkSpeed linkSpeed =52 lastSpdLev=2 index=2
setApFreqParam, stat is null
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
start expired. level:-1
getWifiLinkLayerStats(l.939) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
Score = 58, wifiConnectivityManagerEnabled = true, lowScoreCount = 0
expired arrive. level:-1
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
handleInit disable com.google.android.ims
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 110.031ms
onMobileSignalStrengthChanged, subId: 0, signalStrength: SignalStrength: -1 99 -1 -255 -1 255 255 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 0 2147483647 0 120 -79 -10 gsm|lte use_rsrp_and_rssnr_for_lte_level rscp [-128, -118, -108, -98] [-115, -105, -95, -85] 0 0 0 0 0 0
onSignal: mSubId=0,currDataSubID=0
handleStateChanged reason=8
SignalStrength update result, ss: SignalStrengthInfo: 108885893 mGsmSignalStrength: -1 mWcdmaRscp: -79 mWcdmaEcio: -10 mLteRsrp: 2147483647 mLteRsrq: 2147483647 mCdmaDbm: -1 mCdmaEcio: -255 mEvdoDbm: -1 mEvdoEcio: 255 mLteRssnr: 2147483647
received cell-signal:5
handleStateChanged reason=8
handleRssiChanged. rssi changed in aging time.
handleStateChanged reason=8
No need to handled!
start expired. level:-1
AwareMem_Kill: updateGroupList package: not kill critical frequent=com.google.android.ims, uid=10109
AwareMem_Kill: updateGroupList package: not kill critical frequent=com.android.providers.media, uid=10015
AwareMem_Kill: execKillGroup: null procGroups
newLux = 238, [230, 229] -> 238
getWifiLinkLayerStats(l.939) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
Score = 58, wifiConnectivityManagerEnabled = true, lowScoreCount = 0
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
connecting socket: ZRHungServer
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
Transmission is done.
Transmission is done.
local_socket_flush_incoming write_data=1588
type=1400 audit(0.0:91509): avc: granted { getattr } for name="/" dev="sdcardfs" ino=110 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u
start expired. level:-1
child Thread receive to stop
all data read ok
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0000]
BugleStartup: Registering SIM change receiver...
BugleStartup: Updating app config...
BugleStartup: Done with SIM change receiver & app config.
BugleStartup: Handling shared prefs upgrade & Load MMS Configuration...
BugleStartup: Initializing RCS availability...
RcsAvailabilityUtilForProvisioningEngineV2: updateAvailabilityAsync, hint: NO_HINT
[14387] bkkr.c: do not delay first event
RcsAvailabilityUpdaterLocal: updateAvailabilityAsync: scheduling updateRcsAvailability call, hint: NO_HINT, enableWelcomePopupWithoutGoogleTos: false, reshowSuccessPopup: false
BugleStartup: Done with RCS availability.
BugleStartup: Done initializing with enabled individual init failures.
[14355] bjkd.d: [SR]: Single Registration is disabled. Skipping Single Registration capability check for subId: -1, OS.isAtLeastS:[false], enableSingleRegistrationProvisioning:[false]
RcsAvailabilityUpdaterLocal: RcsAvailability configuration availability and enabled status: simId: redacted-pii:sim_id[chars:0,last3:], SipConnectionType: DUAL_REG, isConfigurationAvailableAndEnabled: false
[14338] gsz.d: Received Provisioning Event: [Bugle information (100)]
[14338] gsz.d: JibeService is running, passing event to provisioning engine.
[14339] bkkr.c: SIM delay is not enabled
[14339] bkkn.a: (Sim): process intent: android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Default SIM info not updated.
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Processing an intent
[14387] bkkn.Q: (Sim): SIM state ABSENT
[14387] bkkn.I: (Sim): Broadcasting Intent { act=com.google.android.ims.SIM_ABSENT }
SimChangeReceiver: action: com.google.android.ims.SIM_ABSENT
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
RcsAvailabilityUpdaterLocal: updateRcsAvailability, currentAvailability: 9, newAvailability: 9, hint: NO_HINT
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Default SIM info not updated.
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Processing an intent
[14387] bkkn.z: (Sim): Ignoring duplicate SIM state: ABSENT
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
Icing index repair service is not scheduled. [CONTEXT class_name="IcingMonitoringUtils" ]
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
Starts to observe table change.
dependence has been existed:14661 -> 10323
uid:10095 pid:14661 PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CELL_LOCATION:16 events:256
start expired. level:-1
Starting analysis.
Starting analysis.
getWifiLinkLayerStats(l.939) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
Score = 58, wifiConnectivityManagerEnabled = true, lowScoreCount = 0
onMobileSignalStrengthChanged, subId: 0, signalStrength: SignalStrength: -1 99 -1 -255 -1 255 255 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 0 2147483647 0 120 -79 -9 gsm|lte use_rsrp_and_rssnr_for_lte_level rscp [-128, -118, -108, -98] [-115, -105, -95, -85] 0 0 0 0 0 0
handleStateChanged reason=8
onSignal: mSubId=0,currDataSubID=0
handleStateChanged reason=8
SignalStrength update result, ss: SignalStrengthInfo: 108885893 mGsmSignalStrength: -1 mWcdmaRscp: -79 mWcdmaEcio: -9 mLteRsrp: 2147483647 mLteRsrq: 2147483647 mCdmaDbm: -1 mCdmaEcio: -255 mEvdoDbm: -1 mEvdoEcio: 255 mLteRssnr: 2147483647
received cell-signal:5
handleStateChanged reason=8
No need to handled!
Null config in BugleSharedPrefs
Failed to get msisdn from Bugle
Network is BLOCKED, uid = 10095
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
isBlockNetworkRequestByNonAis, INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
requestNetwork and the calling app is: com.google.android.apps.messaging
requestNetwork for uid/pid:10095/14661 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ]
rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -75 SSID: ****]
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2205. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 8. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 22. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2412. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2497. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2503. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 13. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2527. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2502. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2261. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2472. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 5. No change.
currentScore = 0, newScore = 58
rematch for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
accepting network in place of null
sending new Min Network Score(58): NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ]
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2191. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 37. No change.
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
[14329] gel.f: RCS Configuration storage in Bugle is disabled by p/h flag, using ProvisioningEngineStateCacheUtil.getProvisioningConfigurationForGivenSimIfExist()
Network is BLOCKED, uid = 10095
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
[14358] RcsProfileService.g: Result is null when getting value for id:4
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -2
uid=10095(com.google.android.apps.messaging) Blocking Thread identical 2 lines
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -2
SubscriptionUtilsAsOfLMR1: getSelfRawNumber: subInfo is null for subscription{id:-1}
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
No default number, returning empty msisdn
E2eeStartupTask: Skip prekey checking because MSISDN is empty.
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14661
Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
FirebaseRegistrationStartupTask: Enabling Firebase component
dependence has been existed:14661 -> 10323
getInstalledPackages cost 4 ms, flags: 786560, userId: 0, callingUid: 10106, callingPid: 10323
dependence has been existed:14661 -> 10323
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{10ff598 u0 com.google.android.gms/.phenotype.provider.ConfigurationProvider} launchingApp=null caller pid= 14661
RcsProvisioningTrigger: Schedule provisioning on app startup
[14358] bjkd.d: [SR]: Single Registration is disabled. Skipping Single Registration capability check for subId: -1, OS.isAtLeastS:[false], enableSingleRegistrationProvisioning:[false]
Wearable module requires a companion app to be installed.
onCreate: Wearable Services not starting. Wear is not available on this device.
RcsProvisioningTrigger: DR is active, initializing DR provisioning. DUAL_REG
[14362] bjkd.d: [SR]: Single Registration is disabled. Skipping Single Registration capability check for subId: -1, OS.isAtLeastS:[false], enableSingleRegistrationProvisioning:[false]
MddBackgroundStartupTask: Scheduled MDD periodic tasks.
Startup: registering tachyon.
onGetService: Wear is not available on this device.
Startup: skip phone registration because of no sim.
[14362] vxw.run: Skipping provisioning scheduling since RCS is disabled
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: Checking if Verified SMS tasks should be enqueued. feature supported: true, feature enabled: true, eligible / has registered key: false, C11N: true
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: Not enqueuing VSMS periodic task, VSMS is disabled or not supported.
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: Calling C11N to get phone numbers...
VerifiedSmsRegistrationHelper: The device doesn't have a new IMSI not registered with VSMS.
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: C11N registration didn't update with any new data.
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
hw_bt_send_chr():fd_chr=227, size=12
hw_bt_send_chr():send ok
bta_dm_bl_change_cback: p_data->update.busy_level: 0, p_data->update.busy_level_flags:21
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=3 connected=0 conn_id=0x0003 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=4 connected=0 conn_id=0x0004 reason=0x0004
handleBtParam id = 0
handleBtExceptionParam enter
handleBtExceptionParam errorCode = 5; subErrorCode = 5
parseStackParam enter
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDevInfoRecordPublic get record from catch for:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
music uploadTime=1678109320A2dpPlayTimes=0 MediaPlayer= A2dpIntermitCnt=0
BugleSystemBindingManager: onBuglePhenotypeFlagChanged
bta_dm_act no entry for connected service cbs
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=6 connected=0 conn_id=0x0006 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=7 connected=0 conn_id=0x0007 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=8 connected=0 conn_id=0x0008 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=9 connected=0 conn_id=0x0009 reason=0x0004
onServerConnectionState() - status=0 serverIf=5 device=C0:49:EF
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(339)] bta_gattc_open_fail: Cannot establish Connection. conn_id=0. Return GATT_ERROR(133)
a2dpDevicesConnecting size = 0
getA2dpCntedCntingSize mDeviceMacs size = 0
onClientConnectionState() - status=133 clientIf=8 device=C0:49:EF
BleGattServer:handleMessage what=2,MSG_BLE_GATT_ON_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE arg1=0 arg2=0 device=D2291A
unregisterApp() - mClientIf=8
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
headsetDevicesConnecting size = 0
getHfpCntedCntingSize mDeviceMacs size = 0
mA2dpDeviceMacs.seze = 0; mHfpDeviceMacs.size = 0
report state:8 event type:2 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
inactive bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_CONNECT
get_remote_device_property remote_addr=c0:49:ef:**:**:** type: 12
remote_device_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect
a2dpDevicesConnecting size = 0
getA2dpCntedCntingSize mDeviceMacs size = 0
getA2dpConnectedDevices mDeviceMacs.size = 0
increaseBtStackAclConnFailCount enter
upload stack exception!
Null config in BugleSharedPrefs
Failed to get msisdn from Bugle
Bluetooth BLE state is :2
increaseBleSuccConnectedCount enter
create: 913009001
checkIfRcdExist enter.
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
newLux = 238, [228, 227] -> 238
start expired. level:-1
AwareMem_Kill: updateGroupList package: not kill critical frequent=com.google.android.ims, uid=10109
AwareMem_Kill: updateGroupList package: not kill critical frequent=com.android.providers.media, uid=10015
AwareMem_Kill: execKillGroup: null procGroups
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0117]
cannot get config for APPEYE_MT.
asyncReportData b4a.example,2,1,1,0 interval=71
scnEnable hdl:49, timeout:250
perfUserScnEnable - handle:49
49: set gpu level: 1
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: 2074000 -1 1314000 -1
playSoundEffect effectType: 0
jank_removeInvalidNode all the node in jank list is out of time
startLeScan(): null
isLeEnabled(): ON
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(963)] GATT_Register 2b66c674-9a38-fb01-9a93-85741d5028ae
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(983)] allocated gatt_if=8
onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=8 mScannerId=0
handleBtParam id = 11
handleBtStatePassive , apkName = b4a.example, apkAction = 4
report state:8 event type:1 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
new active bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_SCAN
setFlags what=0 which=1 pkg=Window{fa95dad u0 b4a.example/b4a.example.main}
asyncReportData b4a.example,2,2,1,3 interval=237
scnEnable hdl:50, timeout:250
perfUserScnEnable - handle:50
50: cpu_ctrl set freq: 2139000 -1 1402000 -1
checkIfBTStatPassiveRcdExist read from:BtChrStatisticPassiveTable, get record: 0
insertBTStatPassivetRcd add a record succ.
ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument
btPassive save result is true
[recvMdThermalInfo] ret=33, strLen=127, 2, 32767, -127, 0, 32767, -28374
49: set gpu level: 1
49: set gpu level max: 0
asyncReportData b4a.example,2,1,2,0 interval=335
Skip class update for C0:49:EF:**:**:**
scnEnable hdl:49, timeout:250
perfUserScnEnable - handle:49
Found: Revalue ECU, C0:49:EF
isLeEnabled(): ON
report state:8 event type:2 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
inactive bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_SCAN
stop bt uid:10174 state:BLE_SCAN total(ms):857
connect() - device: C0:49:EF
registerApp() - UUID=471683e5-2890-4e99-a2bc-c56339cae855
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
report state:8 event type:1 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
new active bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_CONNECT
Sending non-protected broadcast android.bluetooth.GET_BLE_APP_NAME from system 1512:com.android.bluetooth/1002 pkg com.android.bluetooth
BigDataReceiver:intent or context is null.
reportBLEAppInfo enter for ble app:b4a.example
handleBtParam id = 4
unhandled id 4
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(963)] GATT_Register 0ecac592-a063-5dd5-ee4e-16a5411f99ab
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(983)] allocated gatt_if=8
onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=8
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
Bluetooth BLE state is :1
increaseBleConnectingCount enter
increaseBleConnectingCount send session timer
checkIfRcdExist enter.
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
Found: [TV] Samsung Q70 Series (65), 24:FC:E5:60:B4:7F, RSSI = -89, (MyMap) {-1=[B@1b522dc, 0=[B@ce70fe5}
handleBtParam id = 1
parseBtDeviceInfoParam enter
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
deviceType unknown.
get_remote_device_property remote_addr=c0:49:ef:**:**:** type: 12
remote_device_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect
btif_get_address_type: Device [c0:49:ef:**:**:**] address type 0
btif_get_device_type: Device [c0:49:ef:**:**:**] type 3
[INFO:gatt_api.cc(1124)] GATT_Connectgatt_if=8 c0:49:ef:**:**:**
updateChrStatRcd update succ, rowChg=1
hw_bt_send_chr():fd_chr=210, size=12
hw_bt_send_chr():send ok
bta_dm_bl_change_cback: p_data->update.busy_level: 10, p_data->update.busy_level_flags:20
Found: , 71:9E:A9:B8:69:5D, RSSI = -56, (MyMap) {1=[B@557baba, 10=[B@71b5d6b, -1=[B@8df90c8, 0=[B@7fdc561}
getUserCountryCode return default value.
updateBtDeviceInfo enter
parseBtDeviceInfoParam end
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
######## updateBtDevInfoProcess new dev:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDeviceRecordByMac enter for MAC:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDeviceRecordByMac CurrentDeviceInfoRecord is the target device.
Found: , 51:25:FA:92:E7:73, RSSI = -42, (MyMap) {1=[B@336c886, 10=[B@d106547, -1=[B@ac0f174, 0=[B@170569d}
new dev info content is the same.
Same content record for:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx is exist.
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
dev:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx, new record's counter is 0.
Found: , 65:A7:9A:F8
handleBtParam id = 0
handleBtExceptionParam enter
handleBtExceptionParam errorCode = 5; subErrorCode = 50
parseStackParam enter
AupdateBtConChanged enter. type = 1; state = 0
checkIfRcdExist enter.
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
updateChrStatRcd update succ, rowChg=1
isSupportA2dpHfp end: isSupport = false
other state do nothing
50: cpu_ctrl set freq: 2074000 -1 1314000 -1
50: set gpu level: 1
50: set gpu level max: 0
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 -1 -1
49: set gpu level: 2
49: set gpu level max: 0
asyncReportData b4a.example,2,1,3,0 interval=603
scnEnable hdl:49, timeout:250
perfUserScnEnable - handle:49
49: set gpu level: 1
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: 2074000 -1 1314000 -1
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0000]
49: cpu_ctrl set freq: -1 -1 -1 -1
49: set gpu level: 2
49: set gpu level max: 0
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
notifyType CALLBACK_CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10143, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10083, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10084, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback : onCapabilitiesChanged
network:103, lastValidated:true, validated:true
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10088, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10084, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
onCapabilitiesChanged network 103 networkCapabilities [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -75 SSID: ****]
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10083, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10091, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10029, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10087, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10092, ignoreBlocked = false
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
[14348] gib.handleMessage: RcsEngineImpl[DUAL_REG]:[67f325c2-0cef]>Handler: handleMessage processing message:[NOTIFY_UPTIME_IGNORE_STATE_CHANGED] with [non-null]:RcsEngineImpl reference
[14349] fny.c: Connected state: [1], networkType: [WIFI]
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
signal level changed: 2 --> 3, 802.11v = false
queryRtt: rtt_type = 3
[14348] gel.f: RCS Configuration storage in Bugle is disabled by p/h flag, using ProvisioningEngineStateCacheUtil.getProvisioningConfigurationForGivenSimIfExist()
postEventFromNative: msg=100,arg1=4,arg2=10
resetRtt: rtt_type = 3
para is illegal, return
high data flow: protection_counter = 0, not_detect_counter = 8
high data flow scenario: 0 --> 0 rx bytes =19KB
queryRtt: rtt_type = 3
TcpStatisticsRun run
postEventFromNative: msg=100,arg1=4,arg2=10
resetRtt: rtt_type = 3
updateLinkSpeed linkSpeed =52 lastSpdLev=2 index=2
setApFreqParam, stat is null
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
enforceCanAccessScanResults: hiding ssid and bssidUID 10025 has no location permission
SupplicantState = COMPLETED
isPhoneAP = false
start expired. level:-1
getWifiLinkLayerStats(l.939) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
Score = 58, wifiConnectivityManagerEnabled = true, lowScoreCount = 0
expired arrive. level:-1
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
handleInit disable com.google.android.ims
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 110.031ms
onMobileSignalStrengthChanged, subId: 0, signalStrength: SignalStrength: -1 99 -1 -255 -1 255 255 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 0 2147483647 0 120 -79 -10 gsm|lte use_rsrp_and_rssnr_for_lte_level rscp [-128, -118, -108, -98] [-115, -105, -95, -85] 0 0 0 0 0 0
onSignal: mSubId=0,currDataSubID=0
handleStateChanged reason=8
SignalStrength update result, ss: SignalStrengthInfo: 108885893 mGsmSignalStrength: -1 mWcdmaRscp: -79 mWcdmaEcio: -10 mLteRsrp: 2147483647 mLteRsrq: 2147483647 mCdmaDbm: -1 mCdmaEcio: -255 mEvdoDbm: -1 mEvdoEcio: 255 mLteRssnr: 2147483647
received cell-signal:5
handleStateChanged reason=8
handleRssiChanged. rssi changed in aging time.
handleStateChanged reason=8
No need to handled!
start expired. level:-1
AwareMem_Kill: updateGroupList package: not kill critical frequent=com.google.android.ims, uid=10109
AwareMem_Kill: updateGroupList package: not kill critical frequent=com.android.providers.media, uid=10015
AwareMem_Kill: execKillGroup: null procGroups
newLux = 238, [230, 229] -> 238
getWifiLinkLayerStats(l.939) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
Score = 58, wifiConnectivityManagerEnabled = true, lowScoreCount = 0
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
connecting socket: ZRHungServer
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14752
Transmission is done.
Transmission is done.
local_socket_flush_incoming write_data=1588
type=1400 audit(0.0:91509): avc: granted { getattr } for name="/" dev="sdcardfs" ino=110 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u
start expired. level:-1
child Thread receive to stop
all data read ok
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0000]
BugleStartup: Registering SIM change receiver...
BugleStartup: Updating app config...
BugleStartup: Done with SIM change receiver & app config.
BugleStartup: Handling shared prefs upgrade & Load MMS Configuration...
BugleStartup: Initializing RCS availability...
RcsAvailabilityUtilForProvisioningEngineV2: updateAvailabilityAsync, hint: NO_HINT
[14387] bkkr.c: do not delay first event
RcsAvailabilityUpdaterLocal: updateAvailabilityAsync: scheduling updateRcsAvailability call, hint: NO_HINT, enableWelcomePopupWithoutGoogleTos: false, reshowSuccessPopup: false
BugleStartup: Done with RCS availability.
BugleStartup: Done initializing with enabled individual init failures.
[14355] bjkd.d: [SR]: Single Registration is disabled. Skipping Single Registration capability check for subId: -1, OS.isAtLeastS:[false], enableSingleRegistrationProvisioning:[false]
RcsAvailabilityUpdaterLocal: RcsAvailability configuration availability and enabled status: simId: redacted-pii:sim_id[chars:0,last3:], SipConnectionType: DUAL_REG, isConfigurationAvailableAndEnabled: false
[14338] gsz.d: Received Provisioning Event: [Bugle information (100)]
[14338] gsz.d: JibeService is running, passing event to provisioning engine.
[14339] bkkr.c: SIM delay is not enabled
[14339] bkkn.a: (Sim): process intent: android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Default SIM info not updated.
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Processing an intent
[14387] bkkn.Q: (Sim): SIM state ABSENT
[14387] bkkn.I: (Sim): Broadcasting Intent { act=com.google.android.ims.SIM_ABSENT }
SimChangeReceiver: action: com.google.android.ims.SIM_ABSENT
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
RcsAvailabilityUpdaterLocal: updateRcsAvailability, currentAvailability: 9, newAvailability: 9, hint: NO_HINT
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Default SIM info not updated.
[14387] bkkn.o: (Sim): Processing an intent
[14387] bkkn.z: (Sim): Ignoring duplicate SIM state: ABSENT
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
Icing index repair service is not scheduled. [CONTEXT class_name="IcingMonitoringUtils" ]
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
Starts to observe table change.
dependence has been existed:14661 -> 10323
uid:10095 pid:14661 PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CELL_LOCATION:16 events:256
start expired. level:-1
Starting analysis.
Starting analysis.
getWifiLinkLayerStats(l.939) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
Noise: 0, Snr: -1, Chload: -1
Score = 58, wifiConnectivityManagerEnabled = true, lowScoreCount = 0
onMobileSignalStrengthChanged, subId: 0, signalStrength: SignalStrength: -1 99 -1 -255 -1 255 255 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 0 2147483647 0 120 -79 -9 gsm|lte use_rsrp_and_rssnr_for_lte_level rscp [-128, -118, -108, -98] [-115, -105, -95, -85] 0 0 0 0 0 0
handleStateChanged reason=8
onSignal: mSubId=0,currDataSubID=0
handleStateChanged reason=8
SignalStrength update result, ss: SignalStrengthInfo: 108885893 mGsmSignalStrength: -1 mWcdmaRscp: -79 mWcdmaEcio: -9 mLteRsrp: 2147483647 mLteRsrq: 2147483647 mCdmaDbm: -1 mCdmaEcio: -255 mEvdoDbm: -1 mEvdoEcio: 255 mLteRssnr: 2147483647
received cell-signal:5
handleStateChanged reason=8
No need to handled!
Null config in BugleSharedPrefs
Failed to get msisdn from Bugle
Network is BLOCKED, uid = 10095
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
isBlockNetworkRequestByNonAis, INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
requestNetwork and the calling app is: com.google.android.apps.messaging
requestNetwork for uid/pid:10095/14661 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ]
rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -75 SSID: ****]
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2205. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 8. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 22. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2412. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2497. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2503. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 13. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2527. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2502. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2261. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2472. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 5. No change.
currentScore = 0, newScore = 58
rematch for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
accepting network in place of null
sending new Min Network Score(58): NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ]
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 2191. No change.
Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] was already satisfying request 37. No change.
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2528, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10095] ] with score 58
[14329] gel.f: RCS Configuration storage in Bugle is disabled by p/h flag, using ProvisioningEngineStateCacheUtil.getProvisioningConfigurationForGivenSimIfExist()
Network is BLOCKED, uid = 10095
ActiveNetwork is blocked, uid = 10095, ignoreBlocked = false
[14358] RcsProfileService.g: Result is null when getting value for id:4
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -2
uid=10095(com.google.android.apps.messaging) Blocking Thread identical 2 lines
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -2
SubscriptionUtilsAsOfLMR1: getSelfRawNumber: subInfo is null for subscription{id:-1}
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
SubscriptionMetadataUtils get: invalid subId = -1
No default number, returning empty msisdn
E2eeStartupTask: Skip prekey checking because MSISDN is empty.
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{b632a1d u0 com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider} launchingApp=ProcessRecord{734e2f4 11924:com.google.process.gservices/u0a106} caller pid= 14661
Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
FirebaseRegistrationStartupTask: Enabling Firebase component
dependence has been existed:14661 -> 10323
getInstalledPackages cost 4 ms, flags: 786560, userId: 0, callingUid: 10106, callingPid: 10323
dependence has been existed:14661 -> 10323
Successfully start provider ContentProviderRecord{10ff598 u0 com.google.android.gms/.phenotype.provider.ConfigurationProvider} launchingApp=null caller pid= 14661
RcsProvisioningTrigger: Schedule provisioning on app startup
[14358] bjkd.d: [SR]: Single Registration is disabled. Skipping Single Registration capability check for subId: -1, OS.isAtLeastS:[false], enableSingleRegistrationProvisioning:[false]
Wearable module requires a companion app to be installed.
onCreate: Wearable Services not starting. Wear is not available on this device.
RcsProvisioningTrigger: DR is active, initializing DR provisioning. DUAL_REG
[14362] bjkd.d: [SR]: Single Registration is disabled. Skipping Single Registration capability check for subId: -1, OS.isAtLeastS:[false], enableSingleRegistrationProvisioning:[false]
MddBackgroundStartupTask: Scheduled MDD periodic tasks.
Startup: registering tachyon.
onGetService: Wear is not available on this device.
Startup: skip phone registration because of no sim.
[14362] vxw.run: Skipping provisioning scheduling since RCS is disabled
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: Checking if Verified SMS tasks should be enqueued. feature supported: true, feature enabled: true, eligible / has registered key: false, C11N: true
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: Not enqueuing VSMS periodic task, VSMS is disabled or not supported.
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: Calling C11N to get phone numbers...
VerifiedSmsRegistrationHelper: The device doesn't have a new IMSI not registered with VSMS.
VerifiedSmsStartupTask: C11N registration didn't update with any new data.
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
hw_bt_send_chr():fd_chr=227, size=12
hw_bt_send_chr():send ok
bta_dm_bl_change_cback: p_data->update.busy_level: 0, p_data->update.busy_level_flags:21
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=3 connected=0 conn_id=0x0003 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=4 connected=0 conn_id=0x0004 reason=0x0004
handleBtParam id = 0
handleBtExceptionParam enter
handleBtExceptionParam errorCode = 5; subErrorCode = 5
parseStackParam enter
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDevInfoRecordPublic get record from catch for:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
music uploadTime=1678109320A2dpPlayTimes=0 MediaPlayer= A2dpIntermitCnt=0
BugleSystemBindingManager: onBuglePhenotypeFlagChanged
bta_dm_act no entry for connected service cbs
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=6 connected=0 conn_id=0x0006 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=7 connected=0 conn_id=0x0007 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=8 connected=0 conn_id=0x0008 reason=0x0004
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(1040)] bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif=9 connected=0 conn_id=0x0009 reason=0x0004
onServerConnectionState() - status=0 serverIf=5 device=C0:49:EF
[WARNING:bta_gattc_act.cc(339)] bta_gattc_open_fail: Cannot establish Connection. conn_id=0. Return GATT_ERROR(133)
a2dpDevicesConnecting size = 0
getA2dpCntedCntingSize mDeviceMacs size = 0
onClientConnectionState() - status=133 clientIf=8 device=C0:49:EF
BleGattServer:handleMessage what=2,MSG_BLE_GATT_ON_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE arg1=0 arg2=0 device=D2291A
unregisterApp() - mClientIf=8
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
device C0:49:EF:**:**:** acl is connected:false
headsetDevicesConnecting size = 0
getHfpCntedCntingSize mDeviceMacs size = 0
mA2dpDeviceMacs.seze = 0; mHfpDeviceMacs.size = 0
report state:8 event type:2 pid:0 uid:10174 pkg:null to pid: 1230
inactive bluetooth uid: 10174, pid:14110, reason:BLE_CONNECT
get_remote_device_property remote_addr=c0:49:ef:**:**:** type: 12
remote_device_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect
a2dpDevicesConnecting size = 0
getA2dpCntedCntingSize mDeviceMacs size = 0
getA2dpConnectedDevices mDeviceMacs.size = 0
increaseBtStackAclConnFailCount enter
upload stack exception!
Null config in BugleSharedPrefs
Failed to get msisdn from Bugle
Bluetooth BLE state is :2
increaseBleSuccConnectedCount enter
create: 913009001
checkIfRcdExist enter.
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
getDevInfoRecordPublic get record from catch for:C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
create: 913009002
create: 913009003
create: 913009004
create: 913009005
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
create: 913009006
parseStackParam end
handleBtParam id = 1
parseBtDeviceInfoParam enter
convertMacToVendorID vendorID=C0:49:EF:xx:xx:xx
isChatAvailable: RcsAvailability is DISABLED_SIM_ABSENT (RCS is disabled due to SIM absent)
deviceType unknown.
Wifi P2P info: mWifiP2pState=2, mWifiP2pConnected=false, mWifiP2pDiscovery=false
Wifi softAP info: mWifiSoftApState=11
Wifi sta info: mWifiStaState=3, mWifiStaFreq=2472, mWifiStaSSID="BaseAlfa", mWifiStaRssi=-75, mWifiStaConnected=true, mWifiStaScanning=false, mWifiStaAssocing=false, mWifiStaUpSpeed=0, mWifiStaDownSpeed=0
create: 913009007
create: 913009020
create: 913000004
getUserCountryCode return default value.
send: 913000004
updateBtDeviceInfo enter
parseBtDeviceInfoParam end
[14336] bhxg.run: SystemBindingManager: SystemBinding enabled: false
updateChrStatRcd update succ, rowChg=1
checkIfRcdExist enter.
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
[14336] bhxh.b: System Binding updated
updateChrStatRcd update succ, rowChg=1
BT_EXCEPTION_EVENT increase ExceptionEventCount to:2, max exception:30
checkIfRcdExist enter.
checkIfRcdExist recCnt=1
Someone knows what it can be?? it is very strange.. and I didn't find any useful hint...