How can I send a 5 character string to the remote device. The best I can come up with is below, which is painfully slow and clearly reveals my lack of ability. The logs show retries and the third character is often sent twice. All characters are eventually received but very slowly.
The remote device is set as Write Without Response so I am wondering if the BLEmanager is expecting a response before proceeding. Checking for A WriteComplete event shows nothing although I am not certain if that is expecting a handshake from the remote end or simply reporting the data has been sent, whichever it is no event seems to get raised.
So the problem is two things, how can I send a string when WriteData requires single byte and is it so painfully slow because it is waiting for a response but the remote end is not able to send one.
Thank you
The remote device is set as Write Without Response so I am wondering if the BLEmanager is expecting a response before proceeding. Checking for A WriteComplete event shows nothing although I am not certain if that is expecting a handshake from the remote end or simply reporting the data has been sent, whichever it is no event seems to get raised.
So the problem is two things, how can I send a string when WriteData requires single byte and is it so painfully slow because it is waiting for a response but the remote end is not able to send one.
Private Sub ButSend_Click
Dim serveuuid As String = "49535343-fe7d-4ae5-8fa9-9fafd205e455" 'UUID for RN4870 transparent service
Dim rxuuid As String = "49535343-8841-43f4-a8d4-ecbe34729bb3" 'UUID for RN4870 transparent rx
Dim n As Int=0
Dim dat As Byte
Do While n <6
If n=0 Or n=3 Then dat=84: If n=1 Then dat=69: If n=2 Then dat=83 : If n=4 Then dat=32
manager.WriteData(serveuuid,rxuuid,Array As Byte (dat))
n = n+1
End Sub
Thank you