I have made a little app to connect to a RN4677 bluetooth device, in both B4i and B4A.
The app is based on the BleCentral examples.
All works fine in the b4i app, but I cannot connect in the b4a version. I spied some differences between the two:
In b41, in the Manager_DeviceFound event, the Name and DeviceID I get are:
DeviceFound: SpiroDongle,EF7B4C8E-79DF-4F44-9D81-569BF2198715
in B4A, I get:
DeviceFound: SpiroDongle,D8:80:39:F0
So the device ID is a UUID in b4i and a MAC address in b4A.
I then connect to the given DeviceID, in ios, success, in b4A, I always hit the Manager_Disconnected event.
Has anyone got any ideas as to what I might try to get the b4a version connecting? Options seem limited!