Android Question BLE2 WriteData


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Dear all,
I'm fighting with a BLE112 configured as Cable Replacement Service and it works fine with BlueGiga app.
When I send a char, in particular 'b', it replies with an 'a'.
I can't see the character sent back so I think the method WriteData of BLE2 library is set to work in "write without response". Is it possible?
In the following post regarding iBLE v.13:

Erel added the possibility to "write with response": iBLE v1.3 - New WriteDataWithResponse. This method sets the CBCharacteristicWriteWithResponse flag which means that a response is expected.

The BLE2 Library is similar to iBLE v.13? So is it possible to enable the "write with response"? If yes how can do that?

Best Regards.