packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/acl_manager/classic_impl.h:816 accept_connection: accept_connection
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/acl/ BTM_ReadRemoteVersion: Unable to find active acl
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/acl/ BTM_ReadRemoteVersion: Unable to find active acl
!@ 8,0 r 2162299 48680725 w 661303 8909708 d 102880 16214484 f 20603 64657 iot 1115700 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 17963.565
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/acl_manager/classic_impl.h:774 on_role_change: Role change for xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30 with no matching connection (new role: CENTRAL)
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/ on_vendor_specific_event: Unhandled vendor specific event of type 0x63
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/acl_manager/classic_impl.h:420 operator(): Sending delayed role change for xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/ drop: Dropping event PAGE_SCAN_REPETITION_MODE_CHANGE
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/ on_vendor_specific_event: Unhandled vendor specific event of type 0x63
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/ drop: Dropping event MAX_SLOTS_CHANGE
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/acl/ BTM_ReadRemoteVersion: Remote version information is invalid
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: [BTCORE][DBFW+]btm_brcm_enable_disable_dbfwpluslinkloss: handle: 68 : enabled: 1
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/acl/ change_connection_packet_types: Unable to include remote supported packet types as read feature incomplete
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/acl/ change_connection_packet_types: TIP: Maybe wait until read feature complete beforehand
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/acl/ BTM_SetLinkSuperTout: Role is peripheral so unable to set supervision timeout:80.00ms bd_addr:xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/btm/ btm_sec_execute_procedure: No immediate action taken in busy state: BTM_SEC_STATE_GETTING_NAME
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: [CORE][DBFW+]btm_brcm_enable_dbfwpluslinklosscmpl: p_params->opcode:0xfdf1, param_len:0x0001
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/shim/ OnReadClockOffsetComplete: UNIMPLEMENTED
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: [CORE][DBFW+]btm_brcm_enable_dbfwpluslinklosscmpl status = 0x00
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: [CORE][DBFW+]success: enable dbfwpluslinkloss callback
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/bta/dm/ handle_role_change: Unable to find device for role change peer:xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30 new_role:central hci_status:HCI_SUCCESS
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/bta/dm/ handle_remote_features_complete: Unable to find device peer:xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/ btif_update_remote_version_property: Remote version info valid:true [xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30]: 9, 46, 0
getBatteryService(): service is NULL
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/btm/ btm_process_remote_name: btm_process_remote_name for xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/btm/ btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete: btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete for xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30
getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = []
setAclConnected :: connected = true, mSocketConnectedCount = 0
action: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED
DeviceStatusNotiManager - broadcastReceiver.onReceive start 45347129
DeviceStatusNotiManager - broadcastReceiver.onReceive end 45347130
DeviceStatusNotiManager - received action : android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED
# Alias(Lenovo Smart Tab M8) / Address(78D6DC_0)
handleMessage: 6
setConnection: device XX:XX:XX:XX:0A:30 and isA2dpDevice=false
Updating last connected time for device: XX:XX:XX:XX:0A:30 to 17
updateDatabase XX:XX:XX:XX:0A:30
# BatteryLevel : -1
Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10213; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10213; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
Forked child process 27751
Start proc for broadcast {}
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: l2cu_enqueue_ccb CID: 0x006a priority: 2
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/l2cap/ l2c_csm_closed: Check security for psm 0x0001, status 0
Using CollectorTypeCC GC.
jdwp connection from 27751
setConscryptValidator - put
Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10213; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10213; state: DISABLED
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: PBAP PSE dynamic version upgrade is not enabled
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: PBAP PSE dynamic version upgrade is not enabled
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: PBAP PSE dynamic version upgrade is not enabled
Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
handleMessage(): msg.what=8
Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~g_LqhMVUBNQH4p8BJer_ZA==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/
Extending system_exposed_libraries:
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: SDP - Rcvd L2CAP disc, process pend sdp ccb: 0x6a
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: l2cu_release_ccb: cid 0x006a in_use: 1 local_id:4
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: l2cu_dequeue_ccb CID: 0x006a
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: btm_sec_encrypt_change: new_encryption_key_is_p256 : 0, role : 0, derive_ltk : 0
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: btm_sec_encrypt_change: BTM_SEC_LE_LINK_KEY_KNOWN : 4096, BTM_SEC_LE_LINK_KEY_AUTHED : 0, BTM_SEC_LINK_KEY_AUTHED : 32
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/ LogMsg: l2cu_enqueue_ccb CID: 0x006b priority: 2
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/l2cap/ l2c_csm_closed: Check security for psm 0x0003, status 0
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/rfcomm/ rfc_mx_sm_execute: RFCOMM peer:xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30 event:10 state:RFC_MX_STATE_IDLE
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/rfcomm/ rfc_mx_sm_execute: RFCOMM peer:xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30 event:12 state:RFC_MX_STATE_CONFIGURE
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/rfcomm/ rfc_mx_sm_execute: RFCOMM peer:xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30 event:11 state:RFC_MX_STATE_CONFIGURE
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/rfcomm/ rfc_mx_sm_execute: RFCOMM peer:xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30 event:0 state:RFC_MX_STATE_WAIT_SABME
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/rfcomm/ rfc_mx_sm_execute: RFCOMM peer:xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30 event:7 state:RFC_MX_STATE_WAIT_SABME
[] port_find_mcb_dlci_port: Cannot find allocated RFCOMM app port for DLCI 14 on xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30, p_mcb=0x6f523f5508
[] rfc_port_sm_execute: BD_ADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30, PORT=29, STATE=0, EVENT=0
[] rfc_port_sm_execute: BD_ADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30, PORT=29, STATE=3, EVENT=15
[] rfc_port_sm_execute: BD_ADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30, PORT=29, STATE=3, EVENT=11
[] RFCOMM_CreateConnectionWithSecurity: bd_addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, scn=7, is_server=1, mtu=1011, uuid=000000, dlci=14, signal_state=0x0b, p_port=0x6f523f4c80
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/btif/src/ btif_sock_connection_logger: address=xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30, role=3, state=2
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/acl/ BTM_SwitchRoleToCentral: Requested role is already in effect
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/bta/dm/ bta_dm_pm_cback: New connection service:Unknown[26] app_id:255
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/bta/dm/ bta_dm_pm_ssr: Found connected service:Unknown app_id:255 peer:xx:xx:xx:xx:0a:30 spec_name:sniff_capable
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/acl/ BTM_SetSsrParams: Set sniff subrating state:immediate:active[0] max_latency:0x04b0 min_remote_timeout:0x0002 min_local_timeout:0x0002
Configuring clns-5 for other apk /data/app/~~g_LqhMVUBNQH4p8BJer_ZA==/ target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~g_LqhMVUBNQH4p8BJer_ZA==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/
Currently set values for:
ANGLE GameManagerService for false is not listed in per-application setting
Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
androidx.startup is not available, initializing using ProcessLifecycleOwnerInitializer instead.
Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
transmitting to prod
Compat change id reported: 261072174; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
isSkipNetworkCondition - result:2
onCreate completed
Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10213. pid: 27751
Compat change id reported: 263076149; UID 10213; state: ENABLED Freezeable -> Frozen, Reason: uidIdle)
Compat change id reported: 265103382; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
Connection action: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED, device XX:XX:XX:XX:0A:30
FZ error :
UFZ : because failed to freeze, success : false
sync unfroze 25935 for 10
sync unfroze 26255 for 10
sync unfroze 26921 for 10
sync unfroze 27116 for 10
Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10213; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10213; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
StackLog: [] [] [] [] [] [$ConnectivityEventBroadcastReceiver.c(SourceFile:18)] [iki.dg(SourceFile:6)] [jos.onReceive(SourceFile:14)] [] [$$Nest$mhandleReceiver(Unknown Source:0)] [$H.handleMessage(]
Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
Rematched networks [computed 0ms] [applied 0ms] [issued 1]
NetworkReassignment : no changes
listener created
Wireless projection is available on this phone.
Using DB version: 12
Fetching latest config from MDD...
(REDACTED) Found map of size: %d
Forked child process 27783
Start proc for broadcast {}
(REDACTED) bluetoothConnectionStateChanged. Action: %s
Started session 79caa3ae-575a-4b88-abc9-4364682a3064, start time = 45347400
(REDACTED) #takeChangeMicroDetectorMode [mIsBargeInEnabled: %b, mCurrentDetectionMode: %s]
(REDACTED) Should stop hotword detection immediately - %b
(REDACTED) is blocked device type %s, isAuto=%s, isIot=%s, isLatchsky=%s, isChinaWearable=%s, isTv=%s, isWearable=%s (supportWearOs=%s), isChromeOsDevice=%s (supportChromeOs=%s)
(REDACTED) onAclChange: state=%s, %s
Using CollectorTypeCC GC.
(REDACTED) FastPair: lock scan rate if needed, %s, bondState=%s
(REDACTED) OffloadFastPairScanner: eventType=%s, isInternalReq=%s, isOffloadScanning=%s, isOffloadScanningAllowed=%s
(REDACTED) FastPairScanner: isScreenOn=%s, isLocationEnabled=%s, disableLocationRequirement=%s, isDiscoveryScanningEnabled=%s, during24GhzWifiWarmingUpPeriod=%s
isLeEnabled(): ON
(REDACTED) FastPairScanner: eventType=%s, intReq=%s, scanning=%s, scanAllowed=%s, bleEnabled=%s, lockScanRate=%s, startScanningByLowPowerMode=%s
(REDACTED) FastPairScanner: Already in %s scanning
(REDACTED) FastPairScanner: set recover event type, from=%s, to=%s
FastPairScanner: LockScanRateResult isn't UNLOCK but handled [CONTEXT service_id=265 ]
jdwp connection from 27783
(REDACTED) FastPairBattery: No associated accountKey is found when query battery info, %s
setConscryptValidator - put
getBondedDevices, remove custom devices:
getBondedDevices, remove custom devices: is exempt from freezer
Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
mDisableBleCallbacks count 25
BluetoothAdapter() :
Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
Forked child process 27805
Start proc for broadcast {}
Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
Checking device with address 78:D6:DC:E0:0A:30
Checking device with address 78:D6:DC:E0:0A:30
Compat change id reported: 211757425; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
Device have valid UUIDs but doesn't contain AA UUID and won't request SDP.
Device have valid UUIDs but doesn't contain AA UUID and won't request SDP.
Session 79caa3ae-575a-4b88-abc9-4364682a3064, event 0, detail OptionalInt.empty, SESSION_STARTED, at 45347400
Session 79caa3ae-575a-4b88-abc9-4364682a3064, event 1, detail OptionalInt.empty, USB_CHARGER_CONNECTED, at 45347400
Session 79caa3ae-575a-4b88-abc9-4364682a3064, event 2, detail OptionalInt.empty, INTERNET_CONNECTED, at 45347421
Using CollectorTypeCC GC.
Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
Configuring clns-4 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~g_LqhMVUBNQH4p8BJer_ZA==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/
Extending system_exposed_libraries:
setConscryptValidator - put
Session 79caa3ae-575a-4b88-abc9-4364682a3064, event 3, detail OptionalInt.empty, WIRELESS_WIFI_STATE_ENABLED, at 45347481
Session 79caa3ae-575a-4b88-abc9-4364682a3064, event 4, detail OptionalInt.empty, GH_USB_CONFIGURED, at 45347481
Memory Metric Logging not allowed. Stopping.
(REDACTED) Failed to get bistoDeviceInfo %s
Connecting nxc@50cfdba using class ofy@176557000/class ogb@62055531 (cx attempt 1)
Shared Service created
Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10368; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10368; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10368; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10368; state: ENABLED
Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10368; state: ENABLED
Forked child process 27821
Start proc for broadcast {}
Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
Using CollectorTypeCC GC.
Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
setConscryptValidator - put
Configuring clns-5 for other apk /data/app/~~g_LqhMVUBNQH4p8BJer_ZA==/ target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~g_LqhMVUBNQH4p8BJer_ZA==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/
Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10368; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 10368; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10368; state: ENABLED
handleMessage(): msg.what=8
Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10368; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10368; state: DISABLED
onServiceConnected(ComponentName:ComponentInfo{}, service:juq@c7d3b86)
Compat change id reported: 170503758; UID 10368; state: DISABLED
shouldReduceSdpRequests; does not have bistoUuid
Currently set values for:
ANGLE GameManagerService for false is not listed in per-application setting
Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
Compat change id reported: 157233955; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1000. pid: 27805
mDisableBleCallbacks count 26
BluetoothAdapter() :
Failed to get bisto device info.
at cdnc.get(PG:1)
at j$.util.Optional.orElseThrow(SourceFile:2)
at cdnd.apply(PG:3)
at harx.apply(PG:3)
at hrwn.e(PG:2)
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/stack/acl/ BTM_SwitchRoleToCentral: Requested role is already in effect
Killing (adj 999): empty #33
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 5026 pid 24163 in 8ms
Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
transmitting to prod
Process: CAR
Drop pending events for gone uid 5026
Process 24163 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
handleMessage(): msg.what=8
onCreate completed
Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10213. pid: 27783
Compat change id reported: 263076149; UID 10213; state: ENABLED
mDisableBleCallbacks count 27
BluetoothAdapter() :
Configuring clns-4 for other apk /data/app/~~9iuyrsmU77JcnzA1DgBtuA==/ target_sdk_version=30, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~9iuyrsmU77JcnzA1DgBtuA==/!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/
Extending system_exposed_libraries:
gearheadCarServiceBinder in mainHandler: true
Using GearheadCarServiceBinder in CarMessageService.
BluetoothAdapter() :
Currently set values for:
ANGLE GameManagerService for false is not listed in per-application setting
Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
Retries remaining initialized to 20
Using Gearhead for projection services. All aboard! ?
Android is R+, so connecting to Gearhead car chimera service.
Skipping delegate acquisition on init().
Setting delegate: gid@75a2461
Setting CSB delegate, previous value null updated to hho@c7d3b86
Setting validator car info suppliers
ICar delegate chain:
-> gid@75a2461
-> hho@c7d3b86
Killing (adj 999): empty #33
Bound to startup service, got Car Service: nyh@4618a12
Successfully connected ogd@508be0 using class ofy@176557000/class ogb@62055531 (cx attempt 1)
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10109 pid 22952 in 5ms
CarClientToken connected.
Current= 60, Period= 60, hwcPeriod= 60
Process 22952 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
Background concurrent copying GC freed 392648(18MB) AllocSpace objects, 268(5424KB) LOS objects, 19% free, 99MB/123MB, paused 256us,179us total 196.055ms
Drop pending events for gone uid 10109
handleMessage(): msg.what=8
A resource failed to call close.
A resource failed to call close.
A resource failed to call close.
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~HFJ1ZDqimO7vbZl06wJ9Qg==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~HFJ1ZDqimO7vbZl06wJ9Qg==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~HFJ1ZDqimO7vbZl06wJ9Qg==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~HFJ1ZDqimO7vbZl06wJ9Qg==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~HFJ1ZDqimO7vbZl06wJ9Qg==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~HFJ1ZDqimO7vbZl06wJ9Qg==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~HFJ1ZDqimO7vbZl06wJ9Qg==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~HFJ1ZDqimO7vbZl06wJ9Qg==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~HFJ1ZDqimO7vbZl06wJ9Qg==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~HFJ1ZDqimO7vbZl06wJ9Qg==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~HFJ1ZDqimO7vbZl06wJ9Qg==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~HFJ1ZDqimO7vbZl06wJ9Qg==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~HFJ1ZDqimO7vbZl06wJ9Qg==/' with 1 weak references
ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '/product/overlay/GmsQSfastpairOverlay.apk' with 1 weak references
Compat change id reported: 263076149; UID 10368; state: DISABLED
StackLog: [] [] [] [] [] [<init>(] [] [] [] [] [] [$600(] [$]
Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10368. pid: 27821
Rematched networks [computed 0ms] [applied 1ms] [issued 2]
NetworkReassignment : no changes
Sucessfully bound to
Trying to start connection to TTS engine:
setMode(mode=0, pid=27821, uid=10368, is exempt from freezer
callguard: mode(0), pid(27821), skipSet(false)
Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
onUpdateAudioMode() new mode: 0, current mode: 0 requested mode: 0
callguard: mode(0), pid(0), skipSet(true)
BluetoothAdapter() :
mDisableBleCallbacks count 28
Forked child process 27880
Start proc for service {}
Killing (adj 999): empty #33
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10041 pid 25935 in 5ms
Using CollectorTypeCC GC.
Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
setConscryptValidator - put
Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 273564678; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 1812, isSameBssidAndFreq true
Unreliable Tx statistics: 0 || QoS: 0,000 ms / 0,000 Mbps / 0 (D)
Process 25935 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
ignoring old pipeline callback because the new wifi icon is enabled
[Service][350000073][] Loading Success
Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:878 v1.h.h:25 v1.h.r:19 v1.h.o:21
Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
[PRELOAD][SYSTEM] Found 7 voices
[PRELOAD][INTERNAL] Found 0 voices
Init... [PRELOAD]Provider [7]voices [8]ms
Init... [DOWNLOAD]Provider [0]voices [1]ms
Init... [EXTERNAL]Provider [0]voices [0]ms
Init... [DOWNLOADABLE] [85]voices [9]ms
Summary [7]Languages [7]Voices [85]Downloadable [19]ms
Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
[clearUserData] USERDATA_VOICE not enabled.
Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 1000. pid: 27880
We use cookies and similar technologies for the following purposes:
Do you accept cookies and these technologies?
We use cookies and similar technologies for the following purposes:
Do you accept cookies and these technologies?