Bluetooth and Paired Devices

Steven Sparrow

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel,

We have a problem with the bluetooth serial support in relation to the PairedDevices Map that is returned from GetPairedDevices function.

Since the result is a Map object, it uses keys to uniquely identify entries, and if we have devices with the same name (hence Key), but different MAC addresses, the list will be incomplete. In addition, the count will not reflect the actual number of paired devices that are recorded in the phone's Bluetooth settings.

We can overcome this by ensuring all Blueototh devices have "unique" names (in addition to different Mac addresses), but this gets awkward for Bluetooth devices we already have in the field.

Any chance of providing an alternative getter for paired devices ? Maybe requesting the "count" and then asking for their Name / Mac address by position ?

Thanks in advance,

Steven Sparrow

Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Erel,

That solves our immediate problem; I will look fro the library in the updated libary section.

Another question with respect to BluetoothAdmin.. Is there some restriction on you adding a function to remove "Pairings". ?

This would allow us to better manage the Bluetooth links without users having to go to their phone's Bluetoth settings to remove them. It also maks the Bluetoothadmin class even more useful !

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