Share My Creation Bluetooth Microcontroller communication


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The problem was finally solved with the help of a fellow member (walterf25). The problem was located in the autoconnect routine that I had in the main process. That was causing the lag with the data values.
After reverting back to the original manual connect process and modifying a few lines in the Admin_DiscoveryFinished sub, I got it to work with no lags whatsoever.

Thanks for the help

Sub Admin_DiscoveryFinished
If foundDevices.Size = 0 Then
ToastMessageShow("No device found.", True)
Dim l As List
For i = 0 To foundDevices.Size - 1
Dim nm As NameAndMac
nm = foundDevices.Get(i)
If nm.Name.StartsWith("R") Then    'Here i basically look for my device's name which starts with the letter "R"
serial1.ConnectInsecure(admin, nm.Mac, 1)       'Also try using ConnectInsecure, is a better way to connect since there are devices that have some issues when trying to connect with Connect, or Connect2 or Connect3
End If
End If
End Sub


New Member
Nice example. I'm new in programming so excuse me.i have some application. i am try to run simulate the code but get some

i user b4a trial virsion



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I'm also try to use code for my micro cntroller application. try to test with USB blue tooth dongle on PC and Check With Com Terminal Software. but nothing to communication. can u help ?. i new in Android programming. i am working in Micro cntroller and VB6, or


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What exactly do you need help with, can you be more specific?


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HI thanks for reply.
i want to test the code to communicate with BT module using RS232 Terminal Software. it's need other configuration in BT module ? . my BT module on 9600 baud rate. and it's RS232 interface.


New Member
hello all, I have a question and it has nothing to do with the bluetooth communication microcontroller, but still related to bluetooth. I want to make a voice command with Bluetooth communication in android, not by the microcontroller but the raspberry pi, but I am still having trouble with his code. how to sending voice data through bluetooth. I was a newbie to this basic4android, I wish everything on this forum can help me. Thank you so much. I'm sorry if my english is less understandable, because my English is bad.


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HI all

i transmit some data from android, (to operate relay) it's work perfectly. but my receiving part not working properly. some time it's receive and some time not received.

i send u string = AT12345678 (10 characters) from my Micro ocntroller with CHR 13

i have some quires about receiving part

1] what is max or minimum receiving length ?
2] after sending string, it's required CHR-13 ?

here my code

Sub AStreams_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)

If Buffer.Length >= 8 Then
test = ""
s = ""
s = BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF8")

If s.IndexOf("AT") <> -1 Then
test = s.SubString(2)
EditText1.text = " "
EditText1.text = test
End If
End If
End Sub



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Your b4a code seems ok.
However, as often said in this forum, for a reliable bluetooth transmission prefix mode is necessary.
The microcontroller code should be in pseudo C something like this:
putc(0);     putc(0);   putc(0);  putc(10);     //   prefix=10 as integer, this will not be visible on the receiver side 
putc(65);  putc(84);      //   A T                 // 2 bytes
putc(1);   putc(2); ...   putc(8);                // the 8 remaining bytes, not followed with anything like 10 or 13
In the b4a code after
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
AStreams.InitializePrefix(Main.Serial1.InputStream, True, Main.Serial1.OutputStream, "AStreams") ' little Endian True

The maximum receiving lenght: i did succesfully with 120 bytes, as close as possible after each other packed
Good luck !



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HI All
i make Android apps to control Relay's via BT Module its' working perfectly in android 4.0.4 (Samsung) but i test in other phone OS 4.4.2 kitkat(Micro Max) it's not connect with BT Module. i used B4A 2.71



Well-Known Member
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Is the rn42 all that's needed or is there another microcontroller involved? Cause that's $13 a unit in high quantity and that's awesome


Licensed User
Longtime User
Is the rn42 all that's needed or is there another microcontroller involved? Cause that's $13 a unit in high quantity and that's awesome
You need a micro-controller as well, the one used in this example is an Atmega168p which costs around $1.60, you can use any other micro-controller. The source code for the micro-controller is attached on the first post, the compiler used is called Bascom AVR which uses a syntax similar to B4A.


Well-Known Member
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Thank you. I can find a simple chip of the Atmega168p, but where's one with a USB port, battery slot, etc? Or can it plug right into the rn42?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you. I can find a simple chip of the Atmega168p, but where's one with a USB port, battery slot, etc? Or can it plug right into the rn42?
I think it would be better if you did a little more research about microcontrollers if you are new to them. There are tons of different programmers you can build or buy as far as power you need to provide an external power supply, typically it needs a +5VDC power source, you would need to check out the data sheet to find out what pin is Ground and which pin is +vcc. If you're not too interested in learning all of this then I would suggest to buy a development board such as the arduino which already comes with a boot loader and power supply, all arduino boards are based on the Atmega Atmel chips.

Good luck.
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