Good evening,
I'm having bluetooth problems (story of my life at present).
If I fire up my app from boot up, I can connect to my HC-06.
If I then exit my app and re-start it I cannot connect to the HC-06
I have a mnuDisconnect and a mnuExit. Is there something these routines should do, to correctly disconnect the bluetooth module, so I can reconnect again ?
I'm having bluetooth problems (story of my life at present).
If I fire up my app from boot up, I can connect to my HC-06.
If I then exit my app and re-start it I cannot connect to the HC-06
I have a mnuDisconnect and a mnuExit. Is there something these routines should do, to correctly disconnect the bluetooth module, so I can reconnect again ?
Sub mnuEXIT_Click
End Sub