I am pleased to be able to announce that the new edition of our book is now available, with the new name B4A. Anyone who purchased the previous version from our website is able to download the new version at no extra cost. Please send a proof of purchase, stating which version you want (PDF, EPUB or MOBI) to
philip@pennypress.co.uk and I will send you a link to the new version.
For those who want to purchase the new version, I am happy to announce it is available as both PDF, EPUB and MOBI versions.
It is available here:
I am also happy to announce we have reduced the price relative to the old version. This is because, due to EU regulations, we now have to charge VAT on ebooks purchased within the EU, so we are discounting the book to balance out this possible increase.
We will produce a printed version of the book but are awaiting the new version of B4A which should be issued shortly, at which time we will update the ebooks and create a printed version.