It's now all integrated in B4A IDE 6.30. Thank you!
Erel, would you please, please, please consider adding "bookmarks" to the top priorities of the very next B4A update?
I really, really miss the bookmarks, since my productivity depends heavily on the pinpoint usability of the bookmarks.
The alt+n feature and fow/backw is nice but not helpful if the sub is longer than one or two screens.
To keep my every workday speed up right now I use the IDE 4.3 and then switch to IDE 5.5 before rollout to benefit from the "Application_Error" integration.
Also with the missing tab-navigation with ctrl+PgUp/PgDn it is a real "pain" to go to another module. I have to move the hand from the keyoard to find the mouse, then aim&click, than move the hand back to the keyboard and find the right hand position. It was very intuitive in the "old" IDE.
It seems to sound naggy, but besides the other important things that are in the pipeline I think you would make all those "pure keyboard"-guys very, very, very happy.