Hi all,
within a B4XPages project I started to develop the app in the B4A (Android) version and now I'm checking the operation of the respective B4i (iOS) version.
Debugging the B4ì version I encountered a problem in the management of Boolean types.
Doing a search in the forum I realized that in iOS there is no real boolean type, so the following line of code worked correctly on the Android version (B4A) but not on the iOS version (B4i):
dim published as string = "true" '--> I got this value from a JSON string field
dim IsPublished as boolean = published
if IsPublished then
'Do something...
end if
So to get the check to work correctly i solved it like this:
dim IsPublished as Boolean
#if B4A
If published = "true" Then
IsPublished = True
IsPublished = False
End If
#End If
#if B4i
If published = "1" Then
IsPublished = True
IsPublished = False
End If
#End If
If IsPublished = True Then
'Do something...
end if
In your opinion is it a good solution to be adopted within all the modules of the B4XPages App or is it better to use another approach?
I'm not near a machine where I've got B4X available, so this isn't tested. It should give an idea on how to reduce conditionals and many lines to a single line working for both B4A and B4i.
Public Sub convertToBoolean(value as String) As Boolean
Return (value = "true") OR (value = "1")
End Sub
I'm not near a machine where I've got B4X available, so this isn't tested. It should give an idea on how to reduce conditionals and many lines to a single line working for both B4A and B4i.
Public Sub convertToBoolean(value as String) As Boolean
Return (value = "true") OR (value = "1")
End Sub
So then I need to check it with: if status=true then then I did this:
private published as boolean = status 'where status contains the JSON "status" value (that I got parsing the JSON string)
This statement work fine on B4A but not with B4i.
Within B4A if JSON "status" is "true" I see that the published (boolean type) is true.
Within B4A if JSON "status" is "true" I see that the published (boolean type) is false.
It will tell you what you need to do to get the value of status. That said, if you control the json, and there's no reason for the arrays, you could simplify it.
Dim published as boolean = status 'where status contains the JSON "status" value (that I got parsing the JSON string)
Dim IsPublished as Boolean = ((published = "true") OR (published = "1"))
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
Dim s As String = $"{"nid":[{"value":81}],"uuid":[{"value":"306da9f1-d85b-45e4-af92-c6afb2bf09e6"}],"vid":[{"value":954}],"langcode":[{"value":"it"}],"type":[{"target_id":"book_page_aziende","target_type":"node_type","target_uuid":"62b7260f-b1ae-47c5-83a7-da0ed5147397"}],"revision_timestamp":[{"value":"2021-10-05T08:32:20+00:00","format":"Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP"}],"revision_uid":[{"target_id":1,"target_type":"user","target_uuid":"e89c452a-3640-49e8-988f-0e8d46015573","url":"-"}],"revision_log":[],"status":[{"value":true}]}"$
Dim m As Map = s.As(JSON).ToMap
Dim value As Boolean = m.Get("status").As(List).Get(0).As(Map).Get("value")
If value Then
Root.Color = xui.Color_Red
End If
End Sub