I am uploading a class with bottom menu that i have create . It works fine until now.
I call it from main Activity in order to stay still as b4xpages changes.
So far so good but... I can't call methods of menu from b4xPages cos i don't know how to call them from main Can you please help me?
I am uploading a class with bottom menu that i have create . It works fine until now.
I call it from main Activity in order to stay still as b4xpages changes.
So far so good but... I can't call methods of menu from b4xPages cos i don't know how to call them from main
Main Activity:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim pm As B4XPagesManager
'Menu Creation
Dim mnPages, mnText, mnIcons As List
mnPages.AddAll(Array As String("MainPage", "pgPage1", "pgPage2"))
mnText.AddAll(Array As String("Main Page", "Page1", "Page2"))
'The menu supports only materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf
'use https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-materialicons-web-font-chooser.103985/#content
'to get appropriate icon codes
mnIcons.AddAll(Array As Long(0xf104, 0xf14f, 0xf0ee))
btmMenu.Initialize(Activity, mnPages)
End Sub
btmMenu Class:
Sub Class_Globals
Public xui As XUI
Public Root As B4XView
Private Btn1Icon As Label
Private Btn1Lbl As Label
Private Btn2Icon As Label
Private Btn2Lbl As Label
Private Btn3Icon As Label
Private Btn3Lbl As Label
Private HLine1 As B4XView
Private HLine2 As B4XView
Private BtmMenu As B4XView
Private Btn1 As Panel
Private Btn2 As Panel
Private Btn3 As Panel
Private mnPages As List ' A list of string with pages names
Public focusedIconColor As Long = 0xFFFFFFFF
Public iconsColor As Long = 0xff8bc0eb
Public focusedTextColor As Long = 0xFFFFFFFF
Public textColor As Long = 0xFF8bc0eb
Public LinesColors As Long = 0xFF3490dc
Public BtmMenuColor As Long = 0xFF1D3557
End Sub
'The menu supports only materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf
'use https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-materialicons-web-font-chooser.103985/#content
'to get appropriate icon codes
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize(Parent As B4XView, pages As List)
Root = Parent
mnPages = pages
End Sub
Public Sub createMenu
Dim pan As Panel
Root.AddView(pan, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
BtmMenu.Color = BtmMenuColor
HLine1.Color = LinesColors
HLine2.Color = LinesColors
Btn1Icon.TextColor= focusedIconColor
Btn1Lbl.TextColor = focusedTextColor
Btn2Icon.TextColor = iconsColor
Btn2Lbl.TextColor = textColor
Btn3Icon.TextColor = iconsColor
Btn3Lbl.TextColor = textColor
Btn1Lbl.Text = "Main"
Btn2Lbl.Text = "Page 1"
Btn3Lbl.Text = "Page 2"
End Sub
Public Sub setIconsFocus(choosed As Int)
If choosed = 0 Then
Btn1Icon.TextColor= focusedIconColor
Btn1Lbl.TextColor = focusedTextColor
Btn2Icon.TextColor = iconsColor
Btn2Lbl.TextColor = textColor
Btn3Icon.TextColor = iconsColor
Btn3Lbl.TextColor = textColor
else if choosed = 1 Then
Btn1Icon.TextColor = iconsColor
Btn1Lbl.TextColor = textColor
Btn2Icon.TextColor = focusedIconColor
Btn2Lbl.TextColor = focusedTextColor
Btn3Icon.TextColor = iconsColor
Btn3Lbl.TextColor = textColor
else if choosed = 2 Then
Btn1Icon.TextColor = iconsColor
Btn1Lbl.TextColor = textColor
Btn2Icon.TextColor = iconsColor
Btn2Lbl.TextColor = textColor
Btn3Icon.TextColor = focusedIconColor
Btn3Lbl.TextColor = focusedTextColor
End If
End Sub
Public Sub texts(l As List)
Btn1Lbl.Text = l.Get(0)
Btn2Lbl.Text = l.Get(1)
Btn3Lbl.Text = l.Get(2)
End Sub
Public Sub icons(l As List)
Btn1Icon.Text = Chr(l.Get(0))
Btn2Icon.Text = Chr(l.Get(1))
Btn3Icon.Text = Chr(l.Get(2))
End Sub
Public Sub setLinesColors(c As Long)
HLine1.Color = c
HLine2.Color = c
End Sub
Public Sub setLinesVisible(v As Boolean)
HLine1.Visible = v
HLine2.Visible = v
End Sub
Public Sub disableMenu
Btn1.Enabled = False
Btn2.Enabled = False
Btn3.Enabled = False
End Sub
Public Sub enableMenu
Btn1.Enabled = True
Btn2.Enabled = True
Btn3.Enabled = True
End Sub
'Call item menu
'Every menu PAnel has the same mnItems Event name with different tag 0, 1, 2
Private Sub mnItems_Click()
Dim mn As B4XView = Sender
End Sub