I am using agraham's encryption library, actually a wrapper for the cipher class in android. My problem is that some mobiles pones do not implement some of the cipher transformations I would like to use (even though according to the documentation they should), like "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding". What I would like to do is to include in the app a bouncycastle security provider with all the transformations I need.
I have downloaded agraham's source code and added the BouncyCastle provider bcprov-jdk15on-1.55.jar to the JRE libraries in Eclipse, but my knowledge of java is very, very limited and I haven't succeded:
1. Adding the .jar to the JRE and adding "import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;" gives an error saying it does not belong to agraham's package.
2. Agraham's library do not have a cipher class where the provider can be added like "Security.addProvider(newBouncyCastleProvider());"
Any help, please?
I am using agraham's encryption library, actually a wrapper for the cipher class in android. My problem is that some mobiles pones do not implement some of the cipher transformations I would like to use (even though according to the documentation they should), like "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding". What I would like to do is to include in the app a bouncycastle security provider with all the transformations I need.
I have downloaded agraham's source code and added the BouncyCastle provider bcprov-jdk15on-1.55.jar to the JRE libraries in Eclipse, but my knowledge of java is very, very limited and I haven't succeded:
1. Adding the .jar to the JRE and adding "import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;" gives an error saying it does not belong to agraham's package.
2. Agraham's library do not have a cipher class where the provider can be added like "Security.addProvider(newBouncyCastleProvider());"
Any help, please?