Android Question Bouncy castle provider

Javier Alonso

Licensed User
Longtime User

I am using agraham's encryption library, actually a wrapper for the cipher class in android. My problem is that some mobiles pones do not implement some of the cipher transformations I would like to use (even though according to the documentation they should), like "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding". What I would like to do is to include in the app a bouncycastle security provider with all the transformations I need.

I have downloaded agraham's source code and added the BouncyCastle provider bcprov-jdk15on-1.55.jar to the JRE libraries in Eclipse, but my knowledge of java is very, very limited and I haven't succeded:

1. Adding the .jar to the JRE and adding "import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;" gives an error saying it does not belong to agraham's package.
2. Agraham's library do not have a cipher class where the provider can be added like "Security.addProvider(newBouncyCastleProvider());"

Any help, please?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi. I use Agrahams lib for




to exchange data with my servers via php.

that some mobiles pones do not implement some of the cipher transformations

What exactly do you mean with that? Do you need help how to implement ecnryption in B4A or do you have issues with a specific enryption?
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B4X founder
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You cannot include BouncyCastle library in Android as Android includes parts of BouncyCastle internally and the classes will clash.

There is a different built named SpongyCastle that is compatible with Android:

B4XEncryption uses AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding and up until now there were no reports of any errors.
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Javier Alonso

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, I included some code in my app to be notified if some phone models do not include AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding. This is the output of the list of supported methods for the BouncyCastle provider that some user has found out:


Unfortunately, I do not know the phone model Looks like there is no encryption/padding scheme reported. Does it mean that only the default configuration is valid or can I still try AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding in such a device like this one?

Thanks in advance.
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