Android Question BreadCrumbs handling Click event


Licensed User
Longtime User
I use a breadcrumb navigation consisting of 4 items (Admin,Users,Cies,Clients) the breadcrumb show perfectly but there is one thing i do not understand and i search the forum but to no luck.

Can somebody tell me how to handle the breadcrumbs_CrumbClick (Crumbs As List) and find out wich of the items has been clicked
The parameter passed is a list, find but how can you tell wich item in the list has been pressed, so i can decide any action to take on the specific item, like i just want to start a new activity for each item when pressed. I realy do not understand this and the forum did not help.

So please help me on this with a small code sample, that will be greatly appreciated.



Licensed User
Longtime User
I Still don't understand the logic in that control,
When i select an item on the breadcrumb with the code you shown me, if i click on the first item, all the other disapear from the bar, and only show the selected item, how do you get the item selected without erasing all the other breadcrumbs on the bar, and trigger an event or function on that specific item
I'm kind of confuse it does not seem to follow some standard on click item
Can you shead some light on this ???????
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