Android Question breaking from subroutines / loops


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Just coming up with method of matching selected spinner value to what is already in a listview.

Here's some pseudo code, or what I'd like to accomplish.

' initial check of the listview (see if it's empty)
Yes - Add selected spinner value to listview
break from subroutine

No (not empty) - loop thru listview and come up with a match?
Yes match - toast msg "already there"
break from loop / break from subroutine

No matches -
Add spinner value to listview
toast msg selected spinner value

I'll work on it tonight.


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Dim i As Int

  If ListView2.Size = 0 Then
    ToastMessageShow("+ " & Spinner1.SelectedItem, False)
  End If

  For i = 0 To ListView2.size - 1
    If Spinner1.SelectedItem = ListView2.GetItem(i) Then
      ToastMessageShow("Yes, I've got it!" , False)
    End If
  ' finally add if all conditions fail
  ToastMessageShow("+ " & Spinner1.SelectedItem, False)
End Sub

Used Return both cases... It works.
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