Bug? Breakpoint issues


Licensed User
Hello everyone,

I'm working with B4A Version 13.0 and encountered an issue while trying to trace through an app in debug mode.

The app stops exactly once at the first breakpoint it encounters. However, when I press F8, F9, or F5 to continue, the yellow-highlighted row disappears completely, and the app freezes. It doesn't resume execution and doesn't stop at any other breakpoints either.

This behavior occurs regardless of where the breakpoint is placed, so it doesn’t seem to be caused by an error in the app itself.

How i tested that:
I placed a breakpoint on line 100. The app stops there without errors but cannot continue.
I then placed another breakpoint on line 98. The app stops at the first breakpoint but again cannot continue.

Is this a bug in B4A Version 13.0, or does anyone have an idea how to resolve this?

my used android Device is a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Android 14)
my used Libs are:

Audio - Version 1.71
Core - Version 12.80
DateUtils - Version 1.05
Dialogs - Version 4.01
IME - Version 1.10
jcifs-ng - Version 0.32
RuntimePermissions - Version 1.20

I also tested the debugger with another app where tracing through previously worked, but the same issue occurs now.

Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated.

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