I have more than 20 items in xclv and want to scroll to the end of the list
I tested ScrollToItem and JumpTo but both function scroll clv to 18th item
Also, add sleep before this function but still have the same problem
I call the below function after add items to clv
What is the problem?
I tested ScrollToItem and JumpTo but both function scroll clv to 18th item
Also, add sleep before this function but still have the same problem
I call the below function after add items to clv
What is the problem?
Sub LoadMessages
messages = db_.GetGroupMessage(GroupID_)
For i = 0 To messages.Size - 1
Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
p.Color = Colors.Transparent
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, lvmessages.AsView.Width, 61dip)
lvmessages.Add(p, messages.Get(i))
If lvmessages.Size > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Sub Jump
End Sub