Hello all,
Yesterday I upgraded the version of my B4A from 9.80 to 10.0. Just after the upgrade I noticed that some maps aren't showed anymore in a debug break point when I put the mouse cursor over the variable (which is bad because causes some difficulty to debug ).
But today I noticed a very bad error: in a app that was working fine some lists elements were duplicated. Debugging I discovered that a comparison test to check if the respective line is multiple of 20 (when and alert line should be showed) isn't working anymore.
In this test I get the line number and store it in an int variable, comparing with the original value. Something like this:
Dim intLine as int
Dim lineMod as as double
for i = 0 to maxLines
intLine = i/20
lineMod = i /20
if lineMod = intLine then
... <- here the code to show the line each 20 lines
end if
The code above, in B4A v.10, is returning true in the test even when intLine is 0 and lineMod is 0.05 (which is wrong and in different from the behavior of the previous versions). This looks like a bug (together with the problems of maps showing in debug mode).
Please, does anybody is having the same problems?