Hell All...
I am making a app which needs to transfer 1000s of image files to the web server using a PHP script hosted in the webserver. The app needs to just simply upload the file using http post.
Initially I encountered severe problems in terms of same file being uploaded again and again. Based on a suggestion by Erel I added the facility of using SQlite Db in which the file name row gets marked as "WAITING" or "UPLOADING" and finally gets deleted when the upload is successful.
The above method worked but.. when the internet link goes down due to some chance and the app is not able to reach out to the webserver the files simple gets piled up and the database gets too heavy and starts choking out.
I request if anyone out here has attempted in uploading 1000s of files who can help me please...
I am making a app which needs to transfer 1000s of image files to the web server using a PHP script hosted in the webserver. The app needs to just simply upload the file using http post.
Initially I encountered severe problems in terms of same file being uploaded again and again. Based on a suggestion by Erel I added the facility of using SQlite Db in which the file name row gets marked as "WAITING" or "UPLOADING" and finally gets deleted when the upload is successful.
The above method worked but.. when the internet link goes down due to some chance and the app is not able to reach out to the webserver the files simple gets piled up and the database gets too heavy and starts choking out.
I request if anyone out here has attempted in uploading 1000s of files who can help me please...