Just in case I have overlooked something: is anyone aware of how to toggle on and off the illumination of device buttons that are integrated in the screen?
Thanks a lot for your ultra-fast response.
The phone concerned runs Android 2.2 and has the buttons implemented in the LCD. Please see the bottom of the attached image. The buttons are always backlit in white (incl. sleep mode) while one of my apps would have better value if the backlight could be switched off programatically.
There are some notification apps out there that make your keys glow on phones that don't contain a notification light. Most I've seen require rooting the device, so controlling them to turn on or off may be something not possible with a standard application.
Interesting, now to figure out how to convert that to B4A. Might be cool to make my own notification app since my current phone doesn't have a light. I guess the hooking into notifications is what requires the root though now, so may not be possible still for that.