Android Question Byte Array incompatible with Byte Array...


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Hi, I've a problem with 2 byte array.
I've first byte array named ActCode that have length of 800 bytes:
Public const ActCode() As Byte = Array(0xc9, 0x44 ... )

I pass this array in a Sub as argument, and I need to attach this to another array.
SendData(0x06, ActCode)

The function called is:
Sub SendData(Type As Byte, PLoad() As Byte)
       Dim size as Int = ... Calculated about Type parameter
       Dim Pkt(Size) As Byte

       Pkt(0) = HEADER
       Pkt(1) = Type

       If PLoad <> Null Then bc.ArrayCopy(PLoad, 0, Pkt, 2, PLoad.Length)

But I've always this error:

I tried too to substitute bc.ArrayCopy to:
       If PLoad <> Null Then
              For I = 0 To PLoad.Length-1
                   Pkt(2+I) = PLoad(I)
       End If

and tried to make ActCode smaller then 800 bytes (2 bytes) but without any improvement.

I checked more times, and:
PLoad contains correct data.
Pkt is defined with correct size and sure defined as Byte array.
ActCode is defined as Byte array.

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I don't understand what.
Can you help me?
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Hi agraham, excuseme, but I've forgot to write that I've already tried to change "Type" in another word (ssType).
With execution step by step, the error appear when I execute:
bc.ArrayCopy(PLoad, 0, Pkt, 2, PLoad.Length)
Pkt(2+I) = PLoad(I) 'error even with i = 0
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Perhaps the error lies in the calculation of the length of Pkt, see my example
Sub SendData(ssType As Byte, PLoad() As Byte)
       'Dim size as Int = ... Calculated about Type parameter
       Dim Pkt(PLoad.Length+2) As Byte

       Pkt(0) = HEADER
       Pkt(1) = ssType

       If PLoad <> Null Then bc.ArrayCopy(PLoad, 0, Pkt, 2, PLoad.Length)
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I don't understand why PLoad.Length-2 ?
Anyway, from debug, I see that size is correctly valorized and Pkt have correct dimension.
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Sorry PLoad.Length+2
You are copying Pload to Pkt starting from the second position of pkt. So Pkt must be two bytes larger than Pload
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Ah ok, but in reality, "size" is calculated with more than 2 byte because besides PLoad I need to add another ten bytes.
I thought the problem could be overflow, but the error appears already when I=0, then in first byte of PLoad and in third byte of Pkt.
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try this
Sub SendData(ssType As Byte, PLoad() As Byte)
       'Dim size as Int = ... Calculated about Type parameter
       Dim Pkt(PLoad.Length+2) As Byte
       Dim Hd (2) as Byte = array as byte (Header,ssType)

       If PLoad <> Null Then
              bc.ArrayCopy(PLoad, 0, Hd, 0, Hd.Length)
              bc.ArrayCopy(PLoad, 0, Pkt, 2, PLoad.Length)
       End if
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In line
bc.ArrayCopy(PLoad, 0, Hd, 0, Hd.Length)

I've this error:
It says that PLoad is not an array of Bytes but an array of objects

do it
' Public const ActCode() As Byte = Array(0xc9, 0x44 ... ) ' WRONG
Public const ActCode() As Byte = Array as Byte(0xc9, 0x44 ... )
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Yes, but PLoad is instantiated and used only in SendData function.

Sub SendData(packetType As Byte, [B]PLoad() As Byte[/B])

I don't understand how B4A can interprete PLoad as Array object.
Tomorrow I will do further tests.
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Maybe it depends on how the parameter you pass to SendData in global variables is declared
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The problem could be in your Const Byte Definition. You define a byte array but the ARRAY needs to be defined too!
    Private const ActCode() As Byte=Array As Byte (1,2,3,4,5)

This code works:
Sub Process_Globals
    Private const ActCode() As Byte=Array As Byte (1,2,3,4,5)
    Private  bc As ByteConverter
End Sub

Sub DoIt(PLoad() As Byte )
    Dim PKT(PLoad.Length+10) As Byte
    bc.ArrayCopy(PLoad, 0, PKT, 5, PLoad.Length)
    For i=0 To PKT.Length-1
        Log( PKT(i) )
End Sub
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Public const ActCode() As Byte = Array(0xc9, 0x44 ... )
How does that even compile? I get an incompatible type error compilation error when I try

FOUND IT - There's a bug in the compiler I think. If you compile in Debug mode it accepts it. I don't use Debug mode so when I tried it I was in Release mode and got an error. I assume you must be compiling in Debug mode. This is one of the reasons I don't use Debug mode. I'll post a bug report
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