I have a problem because now I have two folders one C:\android and another C:\android_skd
android.jar reference is pointing to C:\android\platforms\android-25\android.jar
but skd manger updates to another folder this new C:\android_skd
What shall I do ...I do not knwo how I actualy got to this and it might be a problem that will solve some of my issues that I have lately
Thank you for your support
If you made a new clean and complete SDK Manager installation to the new folder, use the new folder and not the old one. Change your references to the new folder in the 'Tools', 'Configure Paths'.
By the way, it is SDK Manager not skd manger.
If you made a new clean and complete SDK Manager installation to the new folder, use the new folder and not the old one. Change your references to the new folder in the 'Tools', 'Configure Paths'.
By the way, it is SDK Manager not skd manger.