C/C++ include in B4A (CDT, Android NDK)


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I'm beginer .....
is possible to include some C source code to B4A?
I have few subrutines wich I want to include in B4A...is this possible on some way?


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Search the internet for basic tutorials on using the Android NDK.

If you can create a java class that interfaces the native C functions - allowing the C functions to be called from java - then you can compile both the C and java class into a B4A library.

You can then call the java class methods from B4A and the java class will call the native C functions.

It might be helpful if you looked at the source code of an existing B4A library that does this - i have various libraries i could let you have the source code for if you are interested.


Wayne Polny

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I would be interested in obtaining a sample library to give this a try thanks.

Wayne Polny


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