Datum = DateTime.DatetimeParse("09.06.2017","00:01")
DatumEnd = DateTime.Add(DateTime.Dateparse("10.06.2017"),0,0,1)
mycalendarlist = cal.GetListofEventsforCalendarBetweenDates(value,Datum,DatumEnd)
'Each event is made up of the following 7 elements and the list repeats in blocks of 7 for every events
'(0) Event Name
'(1) Description
'(2) Start Time
'(3) End Time
'(4) Location
'(5) All day indicator, 1= all day, 0= not
'(6) Event_ID
Dim strTime As String
For x = 0 To mycalendarlist.Size-1 Step 7
Log(mycalendarlist.Get(x) & " " & mycalendarlist.Get(x + 5))
Log(DateTime.Date(mycalendarlist.Get(x + 2)) & " " & DateTime.Date(mycalendarlist.Get(x + 3)))