Android Question Call a sub in a class defined in starter service.


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Hi Guys

Up to this point in B4A, I have always used the classic CallSubDelayed()/CallSub() as appropriate to call subs in Activities or Services. However, by mistake I called a sub (defined within a class) in the Starter service using the classic OOPs format Starter.objectName.subName - and it appeared to work. Any comments.

Assume I create a class
public sub XXXsub
  ' Does some work
end sub

Then create an object in the starter service based on this class
Starter Service

public XXXobj as XXXclass

Then in my case I called the sub from the main activity (and it appeared to work in debug)
Main Activity
 ' Some code

Thanks in advance, its all for my on-going attempts make my code more X-platform (B4A/B4I) friendly.

Kind regards
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