iOS Question Call Back button programmatically


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From a page of the application by pressing a button open another page with a form. When saving the form I want to go back to the page from which I opened the form. How can I do this programmatically? (Similar to pressing the Back button on the top left of the page)


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Longtime User
From the second page and above use the Show sub of the code module as described in the three page example. For returning to the first I have no clue.
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Steve Kwok

Licensed User
Dear Erel,
My app currently contains 2 pages, one is Main and the other is SalesFigure.
The page SalesFigure is triggered from page Main's button.
The SalesFigure is working fine with SideMenuController but smc makes the "< back" button invisible.
Thus, I added a BarButton functioning as "< Back" Button to remedy this issue.

it works:
Sub Page1_BarButtonClick (Tag As String)
    Dim no As NativeObject = smc
    If no.GetField("openSide").AsNumber <> 0 Then
    End If
    Select Tag
        Case "left"
        Case "back"                       
            'Only work (i.e. go back to main page) after SetPagesStack
    End Select
End Sub

I found that NavControl would back to Main page by:
1. RemoveCurrentPage and
2. setPagesStack
Otherwise, NavControl stay at original page (i.e. SalesFigure)!
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