CamEx2 (and lib Camera2) is currently included in my app.
All is running ok, except two things:
I listed all capture sizes by this command
Private cSizes As List = camEx.SupportedCaptureSizes
and I provide the user the list on GUI in order to select and choose a specific size from GUI.
So far so good...
But after taking the picture, I show the bitmap to the user (in a separate ImageView control) in order to be able to confirm if the picture (coming from CamEx2) is ok or not.
There are 2 problems currently:
1. Problem:
In the size list, I miss my biggest 4:3 - picture size 4000 x 3000 Pixels. With the older CamEx, this size was always listed and could be selected by the users. Also when I run the internal smartphone camera app, I can select this 4000 x 3000 pixels size. All other sizes are listed - but this size is missing. Thats not good and I am asking myself why!? So currently, my users cannot choose this sizes which should normally be provided by the device camera.
2. Problem:
If the user selects one of some other sizes (i. e. 3264 x 1840 or 1920 x 1920 (1:1) or some others in format 16:9), the the result is a very dark bitmap (nearly black). When I select the size 1920 x 1080 (the default size provided by CamEx2 after starting the previewing) then the brightness of the picture is perfect again. So, what could be the reason for this dark picture effect. The preview panel shows a good result with a good lighting.
I hope, somebody can help me very quickly.
Thx in advance.
Best regards