Android Question CameraIntent mode portrait


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With CameraIntent, and the code below, photos taken in portrait mode are automatically rotated to landscape mode. What is the code please to keep them then save in portrait mode.
Thank you
Sub TakePicture
    Dim i As Intent
    i.Initialize("", "")
    File.Delete(Starter.provider.SharedFolder, tempImageFile)
    Dim u As Object = Starter.provider.GetFileUri(tempImageFile)
    i.PutExtra("output", u) 'the image will be saved to this path
        ToastMessageShow("Camera is not available.", True)
    End Try
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
for android, normal camera mode is landscape. you've got to handle the
righting yourself (or with a library, eg, jpegutils). in any case, not all camera
apps handle things the same way. and in android's case, not all versions
handle things the same way. it's not such a big deal if you know how the
device's camera app is going to handle the image. otherwise, you have to
manage the camera yourself, which will still probably involve rotating.
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