Uploading ipa file.
Submitting app (this step can take several minutes to complete).
Error: *** Error: Error uploading '?????.ipa'.
*** Error: Invalid Provisioning Profile Signature. The provisioning profile included in the bundle '?????' (Payload/?????.app) cannot be used to submit apps to the iOS App Store until it has a valid signature from Apple. For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal. With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.90165 for id 5fc73946-e103-471a-8ff9-***** Asset validation failed (-19208)
NSLocalizedDescription = "Invalid Provisioning Profile Signature. The provisioning profile included in the bundle '?????' (Payload/?????.app) cannot be used to submit apps to the iOS App Store until it has a valid signature from Apple. For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal. With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.90165 for id 5fc73946-e103-471a-8ff9-*****";
NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Asset validation failed";