Android Question Can 2 Voice recorder work simultaneously??


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i have a Call recorder installed and i also want to make my own recorder
now i wanted to test what happens when i enable both

what did happen is that the call recorder i installed from the market was recording while my recorder not.
if i use only my recorder it is working but both simultaneously not.

it seems like the other app just blocked my app and did the recording alone.

question 1: cam 2 apps simultaneously record the same voice source?
question 2: can i put my app as priority so if someone has 2 call recorder installed my will do the recording ?



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It's simple that you can only use device (mic/camera...) once at a time. If you use default camera app, you can not use your camera app at the same time.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It's simple that you can only use device (mic/camera...) once at a time. If you use default camera app, you can not use your camera app at the same time.

yes, but audio recording works differently. i saw that it is possible to record on more then 1 app but it will lead to some errors and failure after a while.

so the more important question is how does android handle the fact that 2 apps ask to record at the same time? what app has priority? can i make my app priority?
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Longtime User
what app has priority?
i gues the app running in foreground
If your activity is resumed you cant record anything i guess.
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