like 3 buttons in Panel1
set Panel1 size=100%
button1 left=5%
button1,button2,button3 with=25%
5%+button1 25%+5% +button2 25%+5% button3 25%+ 5%
how to set by DESIGNER tools?
how to open?layout.bal
i want to create a layout by vb6.exe or python
and i create a bas file to auto set controls size,like:
dim appwidth as long
button1.left=appwidth*0.05 (5%)
I hope to have a real visual form designer, such as real CHECKBOX, or LISTVIEW, I can add 5 items to it, and the effect will be displayed immediately. Maybe B4A LAYOUT can't do it.I want to try to use VB6 to develop a form designer, so that the interface design effect can reach 80% similarity, support 100% width of the control, the control is displayed at the lowest part of the interface, and an image can be displayed immediately.
It is possible to convert the layout to json (use the search feature and you will find it), though trying to create the layout with another tool will not lead to anything useful.