Well, I tried to solve the problem but after a few days of trial I acknowledge that I have no knowledge to do so. I needed to make the phone would leave standby when receiving a particular message that he would turn to function in a program that can only be completed if the phone is not in standby.
I am using this function to receive the message:
Sub SI_MessageReceived (From As String, Body As String)
MessageFrom1 = From
MessageBody1 = Body
Dim mensagem,mensagem2
If MessageBody1 = "Pedido de localizacao." Then
End If
If mensagem2="FIND?" Then
juntaa = mensagem.SubString2(mensagem.IndexOf("?")+1,mensagem.IndexOf(":"))
juntab = mensagem.SubString2(mensagem.IndexOf(":")+1,mensagem.Length)
End If
If the phone is in standby mode the program does not address the message. I have already explained that they could use the ScreenOn ScreenOF and I do not know how to apply it. If someone could help me was very grateful.
It took a long time to read all the documentation but can not due to my limitations.
Thank you
Sorry about my english