Android Question Can I display an icon in a string?


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Longtime User
I am currently using uni-code characters on some of my buttons, but I am having problems displaying it correctly on different devices. I have decided to rather use icons (ico files) which I load as a Background for buttons. This part is working fine, my problem is that I have created a help screen where I would like to display these images as part of a string in a label. I am using labels which I add to my help Panel to display my help files.

For example I am currently doing the following:

id = line.IndexOf("Chr(9878)")
If id >= 0 Then
line= line.SubString2(0,id) & Chr(9878) & line.SubString(id+9)
End If

Is it possible to replace Chr(9878) with an actual image (icn file)?
Thank you


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you stevel05 and Martin. I am quite sure I will be able to resolve my problem now!

Thank you
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