B4J Question Can I please ask? Is it a difficult task to allow B4x to use competent plug-ins?


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VSCode is a new software, however it grew very quickly because people felt at home using it. Soon people were creating plugins for it and this grew up into a marketplace of competed useful plugins. The interesting question is why did MS allow VSCode to have plug-ins in the first place?

VSCode is just a text editor. MS gave people the core engine and the plugins make it a powerful place to work in. B4x is not a text editor, but.

One of the nice features in VB6 was the "Add Ins" menu, where one could create their own plugins and the could work with the code in the IE to do various things. Besides the ActiveX controls (my those were the days), one had freedom to be limited by what their imaginations could take them. I could be wrong but I think a lot of users here come from that VB6 world and a few new, that is not the point anyway. I could be wrong anyway.

Yes, we have tools like "Open with External Editor" etc, but I believe there is a lot that could be done by competent plugins that could work within the B4x IDE. I stand to be corrected. We can take a look at the "Wishes" section perhaps. I see also someone is developing their own "drag and drop b4j". In another thread there is a "B4x Database Engine" coming up.

Forgive my curiosity and questions and without a meaning to instigate anything and with due respect to Erel and his team for the free software, there are a lot of competent b4xers out here who I think could help should such a project be in the pipeline for this family, if help is needed, including NDAs and those "if I have to tell you I have to kill you" kinda agreements. LOL.

Is it impossible? Is it difficult a task? Will it break licensing with ActiPro? Its not feasible perhaps? Just wondering and curious...

Have a good day.
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