Getting into something that is over my brain power I think! In the Detail Module I am downloading some detail transactions and when a new one is downloaded, I need to do one of two choices that comes from the ChoiceBox. So I need to wait until one of the two choices or a cancel has been selected before I continue processing. I need to know if I can base a wait on a Choicebox (cBox) and if so, where can I find a example. This involves two B4XTables ( a master and a detail). Also, am I missing a resource on 'wait for'? I really have looked and found some information but it all seemed to be referencing jobs rather than standard controls (other than a message box)
'Module Main
Sub B4XTableM_CellLongClicked (ColumnId As String, RowId As Long)
SelectedVisibleRowID = B4XTableM.VisibleRowIDs.IndexOf(RowId)
SelectedRowDataM = B4XTableM.GetRow(RowId)
Dim SelectedAccount As String = B4XTableM.GetRow(RowId).Get(ColumnId)
cBox.Top = SelectedVisibleRowID * 24.8+120'100
cBox.items.AddAll(Array As String("Go Online", "History", "Calc_bal","Assign transaction to this account","Add New Account and assign transaction"))
End Sub
Sub cBox_SelectedIndexChanged(Index As Int, Value As Object)
If Index = -1 Then Return
Log(Index & " - " & Value)
Select Value
Case "Go Online"
Case "History"
Dim acct As String = SelectedRowDataM.GetValueAt(0)
Case "Calc_bal"
Case "Assign transaction to this account"
Log("Assign transaction to this account - " & Index & " - " & Value)
Case "Add new account and assign transaction"
Log("Add New Account and assign transaction - " & Index & " - " & Value)
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
'Module Detail
Sub ImportTransactions
Dim qfxToLoad As String =Main.CashflowINI.get("BankAccountFileName") '"checking1"'todo get this from lost of qfx files
Dim qfxFile As TextReader
qfxFile.Initialize(File.OpenInput(Main.dirDownloads, qfxToLoad & ".qfx") )
qfxData = qfxFile.ReadAll
Dim ORG As String = ParseQFX(Array As String("/SONRS","/FI","ORG"))
Dim FID As String = ParseQFX(Array As String("/SONRS","/FI","FID"))
Dim INTU_BID As String = ParseQFX(Array As String("/SONRS","INTU.BID"))
Dim INTU_USERID As String = ParseQFX(Array As String("/SONRS","INTU.USERID"))
Dim BANKID As String = ParseQFX(Array As String("/BANKACCTFROM","BANKID"))
Dim ACCTID As String = ParseQFX(Array As String("/BANKACCTFROM","ACCTID"))
Dim DTSTART As String = ParseQFX(Array As String("DTSTART"))
Dim DTEND As String = ParseQFX(Array As String("DTEND"))
Dim BALAMT_L As String = ParseQFX(Array As String("/LEDGERBAL","BALAMT"))
Dim BALAMT_A As String = ParseQFX(Array As String("/AVAILBAL","BALAMT"))
Dim DTASOF_L As String = ParseQFX(Array As String("/LEDGERBAL","DTASOF"))
Dim DTASOF_A As String = ParseQFX(Array As String("/AVAILBAL","DTASOF"))
Dim sI As Int = 1
Dim bI, eI, LineCount As Int
Dim eT As Int
Do While sI=sI
Dim QD() As String = Array As String("<STMTTRN><TRNTYPE>","<DTPOSTED>","<TRNAMT>","<FITID>","CHECKNUM>","<NAME>","<MEMO>")
'some code here to assign values the array QD() to be used in the INSERT command
If QD(0)="" Then
End If
Dim rs As ResultSet = B4XTableD.sql1.ExecQuery("Select c4 FROM data WHERE c4 = '" & QD(3) & "'")
If rs.NextRow =False Then ' it is not a duplicate transaction that has already been added
Dim params As List = Array(QD(0), QD(1), QD(2), QD(3), QD(4), QD(5), QD(6))
B4XTableD.sql1.ExecNonQuery2($"INSERT INTO data VALUES("D", ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"$,params)
'Here is my question. I want to wait here until the Value shows up as = "Assign transaction to this account" or Add new account and assign transaction". Note that cBox is in module Main and this sub is in Module Detail
wait for Main.cBox_SelectedIndexChanged(Index As Int, Value As Object)
' will do some different functions here based on which cBox selection is chosen
End If
End Sub