Can I wided the post new thread text box


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Licensed User
Longtime User
I paste a lot code and it wraps alot of the lines.
I would like to set my profile to ALWAYS default the Post, Replay, and Edit to have a wider text area.

It there a way to do this?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Are you saying you already have the resizeable text input box when submitting or updating a post and you want that text input box to open to an enlarged size by default?

An idea is to set a default CSS stylesheet in the browser that you use to view the forum...

Browser's used to have a setting to set a CSS stylesheet as the browser default - overriding the browser's original default stylesheet.

I'm not sure which browsers if any allow you to do that still.

Here's a Google search that may answer that.

Here's the HTML that defines this textarea that i'm currently typing in:

<textarea dir="ltr" tabindex="1" style="display:block; width:540px; height:250px" cols="60" rows="10" id="vB_Editor_001_textarea" name="message"></textarea>

So your new CSS stylesheet would have to define:

<style type="text/css">
#vB_Editor_001_textarea {
  height: ???px;
  width: ???px;

You could also create a browser bookmarklet which contains this javascript instead of a webpage URL:

javascript:var t=document.getElementById('vB_Editor_001_textarea');'300px';'640px'

Clicking that bookmarklet would (in theory) do what you want BUT it seems as though modern browsers block execution of such javascript.
If you copy/paste that javascript into your browser address bar when the forum add or modify a post page is loaded does it work or do your browser settings block it?
