Android Question Can not Connect


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I updated the B4A to V 11.00. Everything is working except I can not connect to a device. I tried to connect using USB, B4X bridge, and emulator. If I compile a file, it stops when it reaches "Installing file to device" and gives an error " Error
Process timed out. You can change it under Tools - IDE Options". I changed the time to 500,600,1000 but still, the same error comes . If I use the connect button in the log window the system hangs and the message comes after a while "Process is running longer than expected. Do you want to cancel it?"

Any suggestions?


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Maybe not related, but have you just updated B4A? You should too update the SDK, following carefully the instructions in:

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Yaqoob bhai, while using B4A Bridge make sure you are connected to same wifi network. Also follow video tutorial mentioned in the above post while configuring b4a...
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Yaqoob bhai, while using B4A Bridge make sure you are connected to same wifi network. Also follow video tutorial mentioned in the above post while configuring b4a...

Yes, B4A Bridge and mobile in the same wifi network. I also used the USB connection and Emulator
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Try download and install again. Maybe installation corrupted. I just random guess.
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Thank you all for your suggestions. I found the problem. One of the applications on my laptop was using the ADB Server port 5037. The ADB server was not able to start. I killed the application and restart the ADB server. For more details click the below link
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