Alt Eklenti
Dize Özel Sorgu
İmleç Olarak Özel Cursor1
Özel Kimlik Olarak Int
'İlk önce girişin mevcut olup olmadığını kontrol ediyoruz. DİKKAT => BİRÇOK kez AND koymayı unuttum aralarına
Sorgu = "SELECT * DERSİNDEN Denek INNER JOIN Biyokimyasal ON Denek.ID = Biyokimyasal.DenekID NEREDE Denek.ID = Biyokimyasal.DenekID VE Tarih =? VE BiyokimyasalYazi =?"
Cursor1 = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery2 (Sorgu, Dizi Olarak Dizgi (EditText1.Text, edtTarih.Text))
Cursor1.RowCount> 0 Sonra
'Varsa bir mesaj göster ve başka hiçbir şey yapma
ToastMessageShow ("Bu giriş zaten var", Yanlış)
Query = "INSERT INTO Biyokimyasal VALUES (NULL, ?, ?,?)"
Starter.SQL1.ExecNonQuery2(Query, Array As Object(EditText1.Text, edtTarih.Text, edtTestID.Text))
'Main.SQL1.ExecNonQuery2(Query, Array As Object(Buffer))
'to display the ID of the last entry we read the max value of the ID column
' Query = "INSERT INTO persons VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" 'NOT SIRASI ÖNEMLİ ALTAKİ SIRANIN
' Main.SQL1.ExecNonQuery2(Query, Array As Object(edtFirstName.Text, edtLastName.Text, Buffer))
ToastMessageShow("Entry added", False)
ID = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT max(ID) FROM Biyokimyasal")
Starter.RowNumber = Starter.RowNumber + 1 'increase the row count
Starter.IDList.Add (ID) 'son kimliği listeye ekleyin
Starter.CurrentIndex = Starter.IDList.Size - 1 'geçerli dizini sonuncuya ayarla
Son Sub
Alt GüncellemeEntry
Dize Özel Sorgu
Sorgu = "UPDATE Biyokimyasal Set Tarih =?, BiyokimyasalYazi =? WHERE ID =" & Starter.IDList.Get (Starter.CurrentIndex)
Starter.SQL1.ExecNonQuery2 (Sorgu, Dize Dizisi (EditText1.Text, edtTarih.Text))
ToastMessageShow ("Giriş güncellendi", Yanlış)
Son Sub
[/ KOD]
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: True
#IncludeTitle: False
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
End Sub
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
Private Spinner1 As Spinner
Private wbvTable As WebView
Private btnBooleanOperator As Button
Private btnSetFilter As Button
Private btnFilter As Button
Private btnAdd As Button
Private btnUpdate As Button
Private edtTestID As EditText
Private EditText5 As EditText
Private EditText6 As EditText
Private EditText7 As EditText
' used in ExecuteHTML
Private HtmlCSS As String
HtmlCSS = "table {width: 100%;border: 1px solid #cef;text-align: left; }" _
& " th { font-weight: bold; background-color: #acf; border-bottom: 1px solid #cef; }" _
& "td,th { padding: 4px 5px; }" _
& ".odd {background-color: #def; } .odd td {border-bottom: 1px solid #cef; }" _
& "a { text-decoration:none; color: #000;}"
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
If Starter.CurrentIndex >= 0 Then
End If
btnBooleanOperator.Text = Starter.FilterBooleanOperator
'set the last selected indexes of the Spinners
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub btnAdd_Click
Starter.EditMode = "Add"
End Sub
Sub btnUpdate_Click
Starter.EditMode = "Edit"
End Sub
Sub ShowTable
Private Query As String
Query = " SELECT Biyokimyasal.ID, Biyokimyasal.Tarih, Biyokimyasal.BiyokimyasalYazi FROM Denek INNER JOIN Biyokimyasal ON Biyokimyasal.DenekID = Denek.ID " ' DOKUNDUGUMUZU EKRANA GETIRDIK:
If Starter.flagFilterActive = False Then
btnFilter.Text = "Filter" 'change the text in the Filter button
Query = Query & Starter.FilterQuery
btnFilter.Text = "UnFilter" 'change the text in the Filter button
End If
'displays the database in a table
wbvTable.LoadHtml(ExecuteHtml(Starter.SQL1, Query, Null, 0, True))
End Sub
'Reads the database IDs in IDList
Sub ReadDataBaseIDs
Private Row As Int
Private Cursor1 As Cursor
Starter.IDList.Initialize 'initialize the ID list
'We read only the ID column and put them in a List
If Starter.flagFilterActive = False Then
Cursor1 = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Denek INNER JOIN Biyokimyasal ON Denek.ID=Biyokimyasal.DenekID")
Cursor1 = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Denek INNER JOIN Biyokimyasal ON Denek.ID=Biyokimyasal.DenekID" & Starter.FilterQuery)
End If
If Cursor1.RowCount > 0 Then 'check if entries exist
Starter.RowNumber = Cursor1.RowCount 'set the row count variable
Starter.IDList.Initialize 'initialize the ID list
For Row = 0 To Starter.RowNumber - 1
Cursor1.Position = Row 'set the Cursor to each row
Starter.IDList.Add(Cursor1.GetInt("ID")) 'add the ID's to the ID list
Starter.CurrentIndex = 0 'set the current index to 0
Starter.CurrentIndex = -1 'set the current index to -1, no selected item
ToastMessageShow("No items found", False)
End If
Cursor1.Close 'close the cursor, we don't need it anymore
End Sub
'Routine from the DBUtils demo program
Sub wbvTable_OverrideUrl (Url As String) As Boolean
'parse the row and column numbers from the URL
Private values() As String
values = Regex.Split("[.]", Url.SubString(7))
Private row As Int
row = values(1)
Starter.CurrentIndex = row
Return True 'Don't try to navigate to this URL
End Sub
Sub UpdateSelectedItem
Private Query As String
Private Curs As Cursor
Query = "SELECT * FROM Denek INNER JOIN Biyokimyasal ON Biyokimyasal.DenekID = Denek.ID WHERE Denek.ID=Biyokimyasal.DenekID AND Biyokimyasal.ID = " & Starter.IDList.Get(Starter.CurrentIndex)
Curs = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery(Query)
Curs.Position = 0
'Label1.Text = Curs.GetString("Isim") & " " & Curs.GetString("Soyisim")& " " & Curs.GetString("DenekID")
EditText5.Text =Curs.GetString("Denek.Isim")
EditText6.Text = Curs.GetString("Denek.Soyisim")
EditText7.Text = Curs.GetString("Denek.TcNo")
End Sub
Sub ExecuteHtml(SQL As SQL, Query As String, StringArgs() As String, Limit As Int, Clickable As Boolean) As String
Private cur As Cursor
If StringArgs <> Null Then
cur = SQL.ExecQuery2(Query, StringArgs)
cur = SQL.ExecQuery(Query)
End If
Log("ExecuteHtml: " & Query)
If Limit > 0 Then Limit = Min(Limit, cur.RowCount) Else Limit = cur.RowCount
Private sb As StringBuilder
sb.Append("<style type='text/css'>").Append(HtmlCSS).Append("</style>").Append(CRLF)
For i = 0 To cur.ColumnCount - 1
For row = 0 To Limit - 1
cur.Position = row
If row Mod 2 = 0 Then
sb.Append("<tr class='odd'>")
End If
For i = 0 To cur.ColumnCount - 1
If Clickable Then
sb.Append("<a href='http://").Append(i).Append(".")
' sb.Append(".com'>").Append(cur.GetString2(i)).Append("</a>")
End If
Return sb.ToString
End Sub
Sub btnFilter_Click
Starter.flagFilterActive = Not(Starter.flagFilterActive)
End Sub
Sub btnSetFilter_Click
Starter.FilterQuery = GetFilterQuery
'set the filter to active
Starter.flagFilterActive = True
'memorize the selected indexes of the Spinners
Starter.SelectedPTarih = Spinner1.SelectedIndex
'quit the Activity, returns to the DBWebView Activity
End Sub
Sub GetFilterQuery As String
'a query will look like something
' WHERE FirstName = 'John'
' WHERE FirstName = 'John' AND LastName = 'KENNEDY'
' WHERE FirstName = 'John' AND City = 'London'
' WHERE FirstName = 'John' AND LastName = 'KENNEDY' AND City = 'London'
'the single quotes are needed because the values are strings
Private Query1 = " WHERE " As String 'beginning of the query1
'if a FirstName is selected then spnFirstName.SelectedIndex > 0 and we add FirstName = 'selected first name'
If Spinner1.SelectedIndex > 0 Then
Query1 = Query1 & "Tarih = '" & Spinner1.SelectedItem & "' "
End If
'if a LastName is selected then we add
' LastName = 'selected last name' if no first name was selected
' AND LastName = 'selected last name' or OR LastName = 'selected last name'
'depending on the boolean operator
Return Query1
End Sub
Sub btnBooleanOperator_Click
'selects the boolean operator and changes the text in the button
If btnBooleanOperator.Text = "OR " Then
btnBooleanOperator.Text = "AND "
Starter.FilterBooleanOperator = "AND "
btnBooleanOperator.Text = "OR "
Starter.FilterBooleanOperator = "OR "
End If
End Sub
'Initialize the Spinners
Sub InitSpinners
Private i As Int
Private Query2 As String
Private Curs As Cursor
'We execute a query for each column and fill the Spinner
'We use SELECT DISTINCT to have each existing first name in the database only once
' Query1 = "SELECT DISTINCT FirstName FROM persons"
Query2 = "SELECT DISTINCT Tarih FROM Biyokimyasal ORDER BY Tarih ASC"
Curs = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery(Query2)
'we add 'no filter' as no selection
Spinner1.Add("no filter")
'we fill the Spinner with the data from the database
For i = 0 To Curs.RowCount - 1
Curs.Position = i
End Sub
Sub ShowTable
Private Query As String
Query = " SELECT Biyokimyasal.ID, Biyokimyasal.Tarih, Biyokimyasal.BiyokimyasalYazi FROM Denek INNER JOIN Biyokimyasal ON Biyokimyasal.DenekID = Denek.ID " ' DOKUNDUGUMUZU EKRANA GETIRDIK:
If Starter.flagFilterActive = False Then
btnFilter.Text = "Filter" 'change the text in the Filter button
Query = Query & Starter.FilterQuery
btnFilter.Text = "UnFilter" 'change the text in the Filter button
End If
'displays the database in a table
wbvTable.LoadHtml(ExecuteHtml(Starter.SQL1, Query, Null, 0, True))
End Sub
Public rp As RuntimePermissions
Private FileDir As String
FileDir = rp.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal("")
' FileDir = File.DirInternal
If File.Exists(FileDir, "SportExpertDB.db") = False Then
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "SportExpertDB.db", FileDir, "SportExpertDB.db")
SQL1.Initialize(FileDir, "SportExpertDB.db", True)
SQL1.Initialize(FileDir, "SportExpertDB.db", True)
End If
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