B4J Question can Scroll enable


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There is no proper way to do it.

This code will hide the scrolls:
Dim jo As JavaObject = TreeTableView1
Dim scrolls() As Object = jo.RunMethodJO("lookupAll", Array(".scroll-bar")).RunMethod("toArray", Null)
For Each scroll As Node In scrolls
   scroll.Visible = False
   scroll.Alpha = 0
However it is not perfect and the table is still scrollable.

You can probably improve it with a custom CSS file.
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Well-Known Member
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There is no proper way to do it.

This code will hide the scrolls:
Dim jo As JavaObject = TreeTableView1
Dim scrolls() As Object = jo.RunMethodJO("lookupAll", Array(".scroll-bar")).RunMethod("toArray", Null)
For Each scroll As Node In scrolls
   scroll.Visible = False
   scroll.Alpha = 0
However it is not perfect and the table is still scrollable.

You can probably improve it with a custom CSS file.
great ; Thanks @Erel
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