Just to introduce myself I am a programmer of a few different languages. I use Delphi Pascal, Visual Basic, Labview, Mikropascal for microcontrollers, Pic Basic for microcontrollers, and assembly.
I am an electronics technician also and like to interface hardware such as different sensors to computers.
I have an Android Galaxy Player 5. And have been considering writing some code for it.
My question is about Widgets. I kind of understand some things about them. I just need to know that if I write an application with Basic4Androids. Can a widget such as a button be used to run a specific sub in an application without actually visually running that application? Are widgets coded separate from any app you create or can their code be included in a created app. I am thinking that widgets and apps are two separate compiled pieces of code which are independant of each other. Or can an app and a widget be created all within the same code. I am having a problem with the concept of what widgets are, what they can do, and how they are used. Again can a widget such as a button or icon/image placed on your home screen of your device run a particular sub in an app without actually visually running that app.
Thanks, help is greatly appreciated.