Other Cancel CallSubUtils B4I/B4X


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I did some modifications, when callSubUtils was not an internal library. I wanted to use this procedure, but I had to dig out in an older project with what I modified.

I did found a thread that was asking this.

What I actualy did, was that callSubPlus(2), would return a timer instead of a String, and added a Public Method for canceling that request. I was in the need right now, to cancel the ambient sensor readings (LIGHT) so not a flash lighting was giving me a false positive. Maybe it could be posible to include this modification for CallSubUtils in a future library update.

'Similar to CallSubDelayed. This method allows you to set the delay (in milliseconds).
'Note that the sub name must include an underscore if compiled with obfuscation enabled.
Public Sub CallSubDelayedPlus(Module As Object, SubName As String, Delay As Int) As Timer
    Return CallSubDelayedPlus2(Module, SubName, Delay, Null)  
End Sub

'Similar to CallSubDelayed. This method allows you to set the delay (in milliseconds).
'Note that the sub name must include an underscore if compiled with obfuscation enabled.
'The target sub should have one parameter with a type of Object().
Public Sub CallSubDelayedPlus2(Module As Object, SubName As String, Delay As Int, Arg() As Object) As Timer
    Return PlusImpl(Module, SubName, Delay, Arg, True)
End Sub

'Similar to CallSub. This method allows you to set the delay (in milliseconds).
'Note that the sub name must include an underscore if compiled with obfuscation enabled.
Public Sub CallSubPlus(Module As Object, SubName As String, Delay As Int) As Timer
    Return CallSubPlus2(Module, SubName, Delay, Null)  
End Sub

'Similar to CallSub. This method allows you to set the delay (in milliseconds).
'Note that the sub name must include an underscore if compiled with obfuscation enabled.
'The target sub should have one parameter with a type of Object().
Public Sub CallSubPlus2(Module As Object, SubName As String, Delay As Int, Arg() As Object) As Timer
    Return PlusImpl(Module, SubName, Delay, Arg, False)
End Sub
Public Sub cancelDelay(tmr As Timer)
End Sub
Private Sub PlusImpl(Module As Object, SubName As String, Delay As Int, Arg() As Object, delayed As Boolean) As Timer
    If RunDelayed.IsInitialized = False Then RunDelayed.Initialize
    Dim tmr As Timer
    tmr.Initialize("tmr", Delay)
    Dim rdd As RunDelayedData
    rdd.Module = Module
    rdd.SubName = SubName
    rdd.Arg = Arg
    rdd.delayed = delayed
    RunDelayed.Put(tmr, rdd)
    tmr.Enabled = True
    Return tmr
End Sub
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