Android Question Cancel web service request from DownloadService


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I've been using the following to consume web services:

Sub makeHttpRequest(xmlRequestString As String, jobName As String, targ As Object)
  Dim outXML As String = xmlRequestString
  Dim url As String = ""
  Dim job1 As HttpJob
  job1.Initialize(jobName, targ)
  job1.PostString(url, outXML)
  job1.GetRequest.Timeout = 5000
End Sub

and the following to process the result:

Sub processJobDone(job As HttpJob)
  If job.Success Then
  End If
End Sub

This has worked fine, but I'd like to implement a way to cancel a job. I'd like to implement the DownloadService, as suggested in this link:

I understand that I should make the request something like this:

Sub btnDownload_Click
  Dim dd As DownloadData
  dd.url = link1 '<--- download link dd.EventName = "dd"
  dd.Target = Me
  CallSubDelayed2(DownloadService, "StartDownload", dd)
End Sub

But I can't see how to post the outgoing XML as I did in the first method with "job1.PostString(url, outXML)". Could someone provide a simple example of how to redo Sub btnDownload_Click to send outgoing XML to a web service, plz?

Btw, I tried, after importing the three .bas files - DownloadService, HttpJob, HttpUtils2Service, to just run my existing code. It gave the following error:
- Error occurred on line: 45 (HttpUtils2Service)
- java.lang.RuntimeException: Field: CountingStream not found in: java.lang.Object
I feel fairly certain that this error is because of my prior question of how to formulate the outgoing request.
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I changed the Type as follows:

Type DownloadData (Text As String, url As String, Target As Object, EventName As String)

and the StartDownload call as follows:

J.PostString(data.url, data.Text)

The response was a server error: Unsupported Media Type. I've seen this error before - - so, fixed by amending the last bit of code to:

J.PostString(data.url, data.Text)
J.GetRequest.Timeout = 5000

And, voila - it worked. Thanks for the assistance!
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Longtime User
How do I control where the file is saved for copying later?
It has nothing to do with this thread.

Create a new Thread in the Questions forum for this. AFTER you searched the forum on how to do this with okHTTPutils. There are a lot of discussions.
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