iOS Question cannot compile to library with b4i 4.8


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Longtime User

i am not able to compile my class module to a library with b4i 4.8

i was able to do that with older version but now i am getting this error:

B4i Version: 4.80
Parsing code. (0.01s)
Compiling code. (0.05s)
Building XML file. (0.00s)
Building Xcode project (0.16s)
Sending data to remote compiler. Error
The given path's format is not supported.

what could be the reason?

thanx, ilan


Licensed User
Longtime User
It is a bug in the new version. Version 4.81 will be released later today with a fix.

Thank you erel. If you fix it can you also fix another "bug" i found. When i want to compile to a library i was forced to add the 1024storeicon to the special folder. Can you force this action only when compile to app? There is no need for that icon if i only want to compile to library.

Thank you
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