iOS Question Cannot Create iTesseract Release App


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I am using iTesseract in debug with no problem. I am using english files. However, when I try to make a release copy, I get the following error. I created a simple modification of the example app to illustrate the error and provided a dropbox link below. It has something to do with 'eng.cube.yy'. I renamed 'eng.cube.lm' to 'eng.cube.yy' as directed and included it in my data definition. Any help would be appreciated.

The following build commands failed: Yacc /Users/administrator/Documents/UploadedProjects//eng.cube.yy (in target 'B4iProject' from project 'B4iProject') (1 failure):
The following build commands failed:

    Yacc /Users/administrator/Documents/UploadedProjects/<user id>/eng.cube.yy (in target 'B4iProject' from project 'B4iProject')

(1 failure)

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