I can send push with firebase to app
And receive push in iOS and show notification
But when i click on notification and enter to app,notification tag is empty and cannot get push's data
Yes,I'm handling the Application_RemoteNotification event when app is background and foreground
But when i kill app,Application_RemoteNotification event dont raise and only show notification
Yes PushToken received successfully
I dont have problem in receive push
Even when i kill app and receive push and click on notification,can get data from App.launchoption
This issue is fixed for B4i v3.0. Note that you can use silent push notifications and then the event will be raised even when your app is in the background.
This issue is fixed for B4i v3.0. Note that you can use silent push notifications and then the event will be raised even when your app is in the background.
I cannot receive raise event RemoteNotification only when app is kill
I can get data from App.Launch but i need to raise event RemoteNotification
The issue solved in B4i 3.0 ?
Yes. Application_RemoteNotification (Message As Map, CompletionHandler As CompletionHandler) event will be raised when the user clicks on the notification.