Hi! I'm a newbie....
I have a SQL Lite DB with my table 'Impostazioni'
In this table there is only one record, the key is IdConf and the value='EMMECI'
other fields are IdAge, Nominativo, FTPHost, FTPUser, FTPPwd
I would like, when the activity starts, to select this record and put the fields (except the key IdConf, that should remain hidden to the user) in some edittext.
This is my code, but I get always this error:
java.lang.numberformatexception: IdAge
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
SQL = Main.SQL
Dim TxtIdAge As EditText
Dim TxtNominativo As EditText
Dim TxtFtpHost As EditText
Dim TxtFtpUser As EditText
Dim TxtFtpPwd As EditText
Dim RadioButton1 As RadioButton
Dim RadioButton2 As RadioButton
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim stringa_SQL As String
stringa_SQL="SELECT idAge, Nominativo, " _
& "FTPHost, FTPUser, " _
& "FTPPwd FROM Impostazioni "
Dim m As List
m = DBUtils.ExecuteMemoryTable(SQL, "" & stringa_SQL, Null, 0)
If m.IsInitialized = False Then
TxtIdAge.Text = ""
TxtNominativo.Text = ""
TxtFtpHost.Text = ""
TxtFtpUser.Text = ""
TxtFtpPwd.Text = ""
TxtIdAge.Text = m.Get("IdAge")
TxtNominativo.Text = m.Get("Nominativo")
TxtFtpHost.Text = m.Get("FTPHost")
TxtFtpUser.Text = m.Get("FTPUser")
TxtFtpPwd.Text = m.Get("FTPPwd")
End If
End Sub