I wish to enable/disable a rating bar.
I tries using similar code to that which Iuused for a B4XComboBox, but I get an error:
Am I doing something wrong?
What is the correct approach?
Best regards
I wish to enable/disable a rating bar.
I tries using similar code to that which Iuused for a B4XComboBox, but I get an error:
Set Form Edit:
public Sub setFormEnableEdit
imgEditCrop.Visible = False
imgUndoCrop.Visible = False
imgSaveCrop.Visible = False
tfeComment.EditEnabled = True
acSpinSeed.mBase.GetView(0).Enabled = True '*** This works OK ***
tfeComment.EditEnabled = True
pctHarvested.mBase.GetView(0).Enabled = False '*** Error: Cannot access private member mbase: ***
datePlanted.Enabled = True
dateHarv.Enabled = True
dateCleared.Enabled = True
cbFin.Enabled = True
End Sub
Am I doing something wrong?
What is the correct approach?
Best regards